Minasumari Best Runes and Team Comps | MementoMori|Game8 (2024)

Minasumari is an Azure Soul Warrior-type SR (Limited) Rarity Witch in MementoMori. Learn more about this Witch's basic info, skills, which gacha you can find her in, and her lament below!

MinasumariMinasumari Best Runes and Team Comps | MementoMori|Game8 (1)
Best Builds Story and Profile

List of Contents

  • Basic Info
  • Best Runes
  • Best Team Comps
  • Skills and Stats
  • Exclusive Weapon
  • Available Gachas
  • MementoMori Related Guides

Minasumari Basic Info

Minasumari Overview


Minasumari Best Runes and Team Comps | MementoMori|Game8 (2)

PvE Rank PvP Rank

Base Rarity Soul Type Role
SR (Limited) Azure Warrior Attacker

Minasumari Analysis

Potential Disruption and Crowd Control

Minasumari Best Runes and Team Comps | MementoMori|Game8 (7)
Wildcat Hunt
Minasumari Best Runes and Team Comps | MementoMori|Game8 (8)
Live for Revenge
Skill Skill Effect
Minasumari Best Runes and Team Comps | MementoMori|Game8 (9)
Wildcat Hunt
Level 1 (Unlocks by default)
Deals 1 physical attack equal to 450% of Minasumari’s ATK to 3 random enemies.
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 81)
Additionally, if a target’s type is Sniper, the physical attack’s damage to that target is multiplied by 1.5, and becomes guaranteed to hit.
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 161)
Additionally, if a target’s type is a type other than Sniper, has a 70% chance to decrease that target’s SPD by 15% for 2 turns.
Skill Skill Effect
Minasumari Best Runes and Team Comps | MementoMori|Game8 (10)
Live for Revenge
Level 1 (Unlocks by level 11)
Deals 1 physical attack equal to 540% of Minasumari’s ATK to 2 random enemies. The physical attack’s damage is further increased by an amount equal to 10% of her ATK for each time Minasumari and an ally are attacked until this skill activates (740% of her ATK max) (for attacks that are dealt to multiple targets, each hit to an ally, including Minasumari, is counted).
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 21)
The amount the physical attack’s damage is further increased by for each time Minasumari and an ally are attacked until this skill activates becomes equal to 20% of her ATK (940% of her ATK max).
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 101)
The targets of this skill become 3 random enemies.
Level 4 (Unlocks by )
The physical attack’s damage becomes equal to 640% of her ATK (1040% of her ATK max).

Both Wildcat Hunt and Live for Revenge offer strong physical damage options for Minasumari, but they cater to different situations. Wildcat Hunt shines with its lower cooldown, allowing for more frequent attacks. It delivers reliable base damage and even packs a bonus punch against Sniper enemies. The potential SPD debuff on non-Snipers can disrupt enemy turns. However, its random targeting might not hit who you want, and the base damage maxes out lower than Live for Revenge.

On the other hand, Live for Revenge boasts potentially much higher damage, scaling up with the number of attacks you and your allies endure. It also hits more enemies at max level. However, the trade-off is a longer cooldown, making it less spammable. Live for Revenge's damage relies on taking punishment, so its effectiveness depends on the battle flow. Both skills target randomly, which can be frustrating if you have a specific enemy in mind.

Stealth and Conditional Defense

Minasumari Best Runes and Team Comps | MementoMori|Game8 (11)
Gentle Fox Cub

Skill Skill Effect
Minasumari Best Runes and Team Comps | MementoMori|Game8 (12)
Gentle Fox Cub
Level 1 (Unlocks by level 41)
At the start of the battle, this skill grants [Stealth] to Minasumari and the ally with the highest ATK for 1 turn (cannot be dispelled). If Minasumari is attacked and her remaining HP percentage becomes 50% or lower, or when she is defeated, the [Stealth] granted to her and the ally target by this skill is dispelled.
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 121)
The number of turns of [Stealth] becomes 2.
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 201)
If she is attacked and her remaining HP percentage becomes 50% or lower, additionally grants 1 layer of [Multi-Barrier] to her (cannot be dispelled). If she takes damage equal to 10% or more of her max HP, 1 barrier layer is depleted to nullify the damage. This effect activates 1 time every 4 turns.
Level 4 (Unlocks by )

Gentle Fox Cub grants temporary stealth to her and the ally with the highest ATK at the start of battle, allowing for surprise attacks and potentially messing with enemy targeting. Upgrading the skill extends this stealth window for even more tactical maneuvering. At level 3, things get even more interesting. If Minasumari falls below 50% HP while stealthed, she gains a damage-absorbing shield for some extra survivability. This shield can even regenerate after a cooldown, allowing her to weather multiple attacks.

However, the stealth can be a bit finicky. It disappears if Minasumari takes too much damage or gets defeated, and the initial stealth benefit applies to the ally with the highest ATK, which might not always be your ideal target.

Aggressive Revenge Mechanic

Minasumari Best Runes and Team Comps | MementoMori|Game8 (13)
Memory of Red and White

Skill Skill Effect
Minasumari Best Runes and Team Comps | MementoMori|Game8 (14)
Memory of Red and White
Level 1 (Unlocks by level 61)
When an ally other than Minasumari is defeated, Minasumari’s ATK increases by 30% for each ally that was defeated (total increase of 60% max) (cannot be dispelled).
Level 2 (Unlocks by level 141)
The increase in her ATK when an ally is defeated becomes 40% (total increase of 80% max).
Level 3 (Unlocks by level 221)
The increase in her ATK when an ally is defeated becomes 50% (total increase of 100% max).
Level 4 (Unlocks by )

Memory of Red and White thrives on revenge, turning ally deaths into a wellspring of offensive power for Minasumari. Whenever an ally falls, her attack gets a significant boost (up to 100% at max level), stacking with other buffs and potentially transforming her into a late-battle powerhouse. This revenge mechanic rewards aggressive tactics, but comes at the cost of losing teammates. There's no direct support for your team here, just pure offensive potential fueled by fallen comrades.

Minasumari Best Runes

Offensive Runes

Defensive Runes

Recommended Runes
Minasumari Best Runes and Team Comps | MementoMori|Game8 (15)DEX Rune Minasumari Best Runes and Team Comps | MementoMori|Game8 (16)ATK Rune Minasumari Best Runes and Team Comps | MementoMori|Game8 (17)PM. DEF Break Rune Minasumari Best Runes and Team Comps | MementoMori|Game8 (18)CRIT Rune
Recommended Runes
Minasumari Best Runes and Team Comps | MementoMori|Game8 (19)HP Rune Minasumari Best Runes and Team Comps | MementoMori|Game8 (20)P. DEF Rune Minasumari Best Runes and Team Comps | MementoMori|Game8 (21)EVD Rune Minasumari Best Runes and Team Comps | MementoMori|Game8 (22)CRIT RES Rune

Maximizing Damage and Boosting Durability

For offense, prioritize CRIT Runes to maximize crits from skills like Wildcat Hunt and "Live for Revenge. An ATK Rune is a no-brainer damage boost, and a PM DEF Break Rune helps your attacks cut through enemy defenses. DEX Rune offers a slight increase in critical damage and accuracy if you have room for it.

For defense, focus on HP Runes for a bigger health pool and P. DEF Runes to shrug off attacks. EVD Runes allow a chance to dodge altogether, and CRIT RES Runes make her less vulnerable to critical hits.

Minasumari Best Team Comps

Azure Soul Team

Debuffer Attacker Debuffer Buffer Attacker
Soltina Florence Eir Fenrir Minasumari Best Runes and Team Comps | MementoMori|Game8 (27)Minasumari

Florence buffs ATK and critical chance for Minasumari, while Soltina debuffs enemies to make them easier to take down. Fenrir provides buffs and dispels for the team, while Eir's debuffs can complement Minasumari's attacks and deal high damage herself. This team offers offense and defense, with Florence and Eir buffing damage, Soltina and Fenrir providing support, and Minasumari focusing on maximizing her damage output. This team can be moved around to accomodate enemy composition.

High Burst Damage Team

Tank Attacker Healer Debuffer Attacker
Amleth Ophelia Fortina Lunalynn Minasumari Best Runes and Team Comps | MementoMori|Game8 (32)Minasumari

This team with Minasumari, Ophelia, Fortina, Lunalynn, and Amleth focuses on eliminating enemies quickly with high burst damage. Amleth's Crystal Breaker and Curtains Cut Down deal significant physical damage, potentially taking down priority targets fast. This aligns well with Minasumari's strengths, as eliminating enemies activates her buff more often. Lunalynn's debuffs (Silence and Poison) can still control enemies and set them up for takedowns. Fortina remains essential for keeping everyone alive.

Minasumari Skills and Stats

Wildcat Hunt

Skill Type Cooldown
Minasumari Best Runes and Team Comps | MementoMori|Game8 (33)
Wildcat Hunt
Skill Effect
Level 1 (Unlocks by default)
“Aight... Should we get started with the huntin’?” Deals 1 physical attack equal to 450% of Minasumari’s ATK to 3 random enemies. Level 2 (Unlocks by level 81)
Additionally, if a target’s type is Sniper, the physical attack’s damage to that target is multiplied by 1.5, and becomes guaranteed to hit. Level 3 (Unlocks by level 161)
Additionally, if a target’s type is a type other than Sniper, has a 70% chance to decrease that target’s SPD by 15% for 2 turns.

Live for Revenge

Skill Type Cooldown
Minasumari Best Runes and Team Comps | MementoMori|Game8 (34)
Live for Revenge
Skill Effect
Level 1 (Unlocks by level 11)
The wounds, the bloodshed—they’ll be what sharpens the fangs I’ll sink into her throat. Deals 1 physical attack equal to 540% of Minasumari’s ATK to 2 random enemies. The physical attack’s damage is further increased by an amount equal to 10% of her ATK for each time Minasumari and an ally are attacked until this skill activates (740% of her ATK max) (for attacks that are dealt to multiple targets, each hit to an ally, including Minasumari, is counted). Level 2 (Unlocks by level 21)
The amount the physical attack’s damage is further increased by for each time Minasumari and an ally are attacked until this skill activates becomes equal to 20% of her ATK (940% of her ATK max). Level 3 (Unlocks by level 101)
The targets of this skill become 3 random enemies. Level 4 (Unlocks by )
The physical attack’s damage becomes equal to 640% of her ATK (1040% of her ATK max).

Gentle Fox Cub

Skill Type Cooldown
Minasumari Best Runes and Team Comps | MementoMori|Game8 (35)
Gentle Fox Cub
Skill Effect
Level 1 (Unlocks by level 41)
“You wanna know how to erase all signs of your presence? That’s easy-peasy!” The way to silence one’s breath, and move without making a sound... What she teaches is akin to how a beast stalks its prey. At the start of the battle, this skill grants [Stealth] to Minasumari and the ally with the highest ATK for 1 turn (cannot be dispelled). If Minasumari is attacked and her remaining HP percentage becomes 50% or lower, or when she is defeated, the [Stealth] granted to her and the ally target by this skill is dispelled. Level 2 (Unlocks by level 121)
The number of turns of [Stealth] becomes 2. Level 3 (Unlocks by level 201)
If she is attacked and her remaining HP percentage becomes 50% or lower, additionally grants 1 layer of [Multi-Barrier] to her (cannot be dispelled). If she takes damage equal to 10% or more of her max HP, 1 barrier layer is depleted to nullify the damage. This effect activates 1 time every 4 turns.

Memory of Red and White

Skill Type Cooldown
Minasumari Best Runes and Team Comps | MementoMori|Game8 (36)
Memory of Red and White
Skill Effect
Level 1 (Unlocks by level 61)
Every time Minasumari sees someone collapse to the ground, she relives the memory of that day...and the resentment she keeps inside vividly reveals itself. When an ally other than Minasumari is defeated, Minasumari’s ATK increases by 30% for each ally that was defeated (total increase of 60% max) (cannot be dispelled). Level 2 (Unlocks by level 141)
The increase in her ATK when an ally is defeated becomes 40% (total increase of 80% max). Level 3 (Unlocks by level 221)
The increase in her ATK when an ally is defeated becomes 50% (total increase of 100% max).

Minasumari Stats and Potential

Max Stats (Lv. 240)

HP 4,758,720
DEF Break 0
SPD 2,792
PM. DEF Break 0
P. DEF 724,153
M. DEF 586,219
ACC 362,076
EVD 293,109
CRIT 293,109
CRIT RES 237,936
CRT DMG Boost 0
Debuff ACC
Debuff RES 0
Counter 0
HP Drain 0

Max Potential (Lv. 240)

STR 724,153
MAG 586,219
DEX 586,219
STA 475,872

Minasumari Exclusive Weapon

Minasumari Best Runes and Team Comps | MementoMori|Game8 (37)
Sutu of Vengeance
Level 1 (Unlocked by getting Minasumari's unique weapon)
Strengthens Wildcat Hunt. The physical attack’s damage becomes equal to 600% of her ATK. Level 2 (Unlocks at UR rarity)
Strengthens Gentle Fox Cub. The number of layers of [Multi-Barrier] becomes 3. Level 3 (Unlocks at LR rarity)
Strengthens Live for Revenge. The physical attack’s damage becomes equal to 700% of her ATK (1100% of her ATK max).

Minasumari Available Gachas

Minasumari Invoke Banners

List of Gacha Banners
Prayer of The FleetingInvocation of Chance

MementoMori Related Guides

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Character Build Lists

Character Builds by Rarity
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Amber Characters Emerald Characters
Radiance Characters Chaos Characters
Character Builds by Type
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All SR Rarity Character Builds


All SR (Limited) Rarity Character Builds

Minasumari Best Runes and Team Comps | MementoMori|Game8 (63)MinasumariAlexandraAsahi
Apostle RosalieMorganaEir
Winter TroponGil’uialSivi
StellaSummer CordieBelle
Summer SabrinaFiaLuke
Summer ModdeyRichesseVeela
Tainted IrisWinter AmourCarol
A.A.Witch IllyaValeriede
Minasumari Best Runes and Team Comps | MementoMori|Game8 (2024)


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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.