This Day, August 1, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L (2024)

August 1

30BCE: Mark Antony died. Following the victory of Octavian and Antonyover those who had murdered Julius Caesar, Antony became ruler of the Easternhalf of the Roman Empire. Antony didname Herod as ruler of Judaea. But whenhis lover Cleopatra let it be known that she wished to recreate the Ptolemyrule over the area, Antony partially reversed himself by giving the QueenJericho and numerous other towns in Judaea.None of this had anything to do with Antony’s feelings about the Jewsbut rather reflected his passion for Cleopatra. In the end none of this mattersince Octavian defeated Antony and control of the Jews passed to the man whobecame Caesar Augustus.

10BCE: Birthdate of Claudius 4thRoman emperor. Claudius reigned from 41 through 54. Regardless of how the PBStelevision series portrayed, for a Roman Emperor, Claudius was a plus for theJews of his time. He repealed the anti-Jewish edicts of his predecessors. Heheld the Samaritans responsible for the attacks on Jews in Judea and befriendedthe Jewish King, Agrippa. At one time he did exclude Jews from the city ofRome. But this appears to have been a matter of dealing with civil unrestsparked the early Christians living in the imperial city.

388: The synagoguelocated on the Euphrates in Callinicum was looted and burned by Churchofficials. St. Ambrose (one of the four Latin doctors of the Catholic Church)defended the action. He reprimanded Theodosius the Great for ordering the localBishop to pay restitution, even though expropriation was illegal under Romanlaw. St. Ambrose offered to burn the synagogue in Milan on his own.

527: Justinian I alsoknown as Justinian the Great becomes the Byzantine Emperor. For gentiles, Justinian might be considered“Great” but he was an enemy of the Jews.Justinian’s celebrated code contains the following about his policytowards his Jewish subjects. “They shall enjoy no honors. Their status shall reflect the baseness whichin their souls they have elected and desired.”“The principle of servitusJudaeorum (‘servitude of the Jews’) was established, and the hithertouneven pattern of persecution was systemized for a Christian civilization marchtowards its age of faith.” Justinianbanned the recitation of the Shema because its declaration of the Oness of Godwas at odds with the Trinity. Inresponse to demands of his Bishops, Justinian banned the public reading of theTorah. He also forbad the observance ofPassover in the years when it preceded Easter on the calendar.

1098: Fifty-three-year-oldAdhemar of Le Puy, the French bishop who was a leader of the First Crusadewhich proved so devastating to the Jews of the Rhineland and the Holy Land diedtoday at Antioch.

1137: King Louis VIpassed away and is succeed by his Louis VII who will launch the SecondCrusade. Louis VII’s reign was not “Jewfriendly.” Following the logic of the time that it made no sense to go toPalestine to fight those holding on to the Christian Holy Sites and leave thedefilers of Christianity at home alone, in 1144 Louis VII would expel all theJews who had converted to Christianity and then returned to Judaism. In 1171the first Blood Libel in France took place in Blois.

1263, James I orderedthe removal of passages deemed offensive from the Talmud

1291: The SwissConfederation is formed with the signature of the Federal Charter. The originalJews settled in what is now Switzerland during the days of the Roman Empire.Records of the Jewish community officially date back to the 13thcentury, with Jews having settled in Basel in 1213, seventy years before theconfederation was formed. Jews from France and Germany settled in Bern by 1259,St. Gall in 1268, Zurich in 1273, Schaffhausen, Diessenhofen, and Luzerne in1299. But anti-Semitism is almost as old as the confederation itself sincein1294 in when many Jews living in Berne of the city were executed and thesurvivors expelled under the pretext of the murder of a Christian boy.

1298: Although assistedby humane Christian citizens, the Jews of Nuremberg were overpowered andbutchered today. Among the victims was Mordecai ben Hillel, a pupil of Jehielben Asher, with his wife and children.

1431: “King Sigismundassured the Jews of Worms that all edicts annulling the outstanding debts owedthem would be declared invalid upon the payment by each Jew of an indemnity.”

1520: In Cracow,Poland, Sigismund I the Old and Bona Sforza of Milan, the niece of the HolyRoman emperor Maximilian, gave birth to Sigismund II Augustus, the Polish Kingwho allowed “Jews to settle in Vilna without restriction” and who issued “the‘Magna Cara of Jewish Self-Government’’ “which permitted Jews to elect theirown chief rabbi and judges.”

1580: Evard Mercurian,the fourth Superior General of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) passed away. The first three leaders of the order had beenSpanish and there was concern that they might be Coversos or at least haveJewish blood. So Mercuvian, a native ofLuxemburg got the job because Pope Gregory XIII wished to dispel an connotationof a Jewish connection.

1626: In Izmir,Mordecai and Clara Sevi gave birth to Sabbatai Zevi, the most famous the FalseMessiahs.

1641: King Christian IV“formally reconfirmed the Ashkenazim their general privilege including theircemetery and a synagogue, thus continuing the basis for the existence of theircommunity.”

1658: Coronation ofLeopold I who borrowed large sums of money from banker Samuel Oppenheimer tofight the “Great Turkish War.

1670: As a result of aproclamation by the Emperor, as of today, all the Jews had left Vienna.

1768: Today“approximately sixty merchants and traders signed the Boston Non-ImportationAgreement which led to most of the ports including Philadelphia and Charlestonwith their comparatively significant Jewish population in the 13 colonies to adopt similar measures.

1679: Birthdate ofMantua born poet Simson ha-Kohen Modon, a student of Judah Brill who “gainedthe good will of Emperor Charles VI.”

1714: Queen Anne ofGreat Britain during whose reign an “Act to oblige Jews to maintain and providefor their Protestant children” took effect, passed away today. This act ofParliament grew out of case involving Jacob de Mendez Berta and his daughter Marywho became a Protestant. According to one source, the father refused tocontinue to support his daughter after she converted and her newly adoptedProtestant community did not want to shoulder the burden of her support.Hence, this legislation was adopted and would stay in effect until the middleof the 19th century.

1714: George I beganhis reign as King of Great Britain and Ireland during which “an act ofParliament that allowed Jews holding land to omit the words "on the truefaith of a Christian", when registering their title.”

1753: The ImperialCourt rescinded the order confiscating copies of the prayer book and Talmudbecause they were found not contain derogatory statements about Christianity.

1776(16th ofAv, 5536): Twenty-nine-year-old Francis Salvador, the member of a prominentSephardic South Carolina family and an ardent Patriot, was killed whilefighting the Tory and Indian supporters of the British.

1778(8th ofAv, 5538): Parashat Devarim; Shabbat Chazon Erev Tish’a B’Av

1787: In the UK, HannahMontefiore, the daughter of Moses Montefiore and Esther Hannah Racah, marriedMoses Acona with whom she had five children – “Leah, Judah, Moses Montefiore,Esther and Sarah.”

1789(9th ofAv, 5549): Shabbat Chazon; Erev Tish’a B’Av

1789(9th of Av): RabbiAbraham Isaac Castello, the native of Ancona whose works included "AMemorial Sermon on the Death of Francis I. of Germany", written inSpanish, and translated by Castello's son Joseph Castello into Italian passedaway in Leghorn, Italy.

1797(9th ofAv, 5557): Tish’a B’Av

1797: Two Jews namedBromet and DeLemon were elected members of the Second National Assembly ofHolland today

1798: The British Fleetunder Nelson defeats the French Fleet in the Battle of the Nile. Nelson’s victory left the British in controlof the Mediterranean. Napoleon’s armyhad already landed before the battle.Although the French leader would score victories in Egypt and Syria,crossing through Eretz Israel, his victories would mean little since the Frencharmy could not be sustained. Among thelesser known consequences was the end of promises Napoleon had made during thesiege at Acre to create a Jewish homeland.

1806:, Rabbi JosephDavid Sinzheim a member of the Assembly convened by Napoleon continued torespond to the questions asked by the Imperial Commissioner.

1807: In Philadelphia,PA, Frances “Fanny” Gratz and Reuben Etting who were married in 1794, gavebirth to Miriam Gratz Etting,

1808(8th ofAv, 5568): Erev Tish’a B’Av

1813: Birthdate ofStockholm native Charles Kann, the husband of Copenhagen native Amalia Moniesand the father of Albert, Ellen, Jenny and Ellen Kann.

1814(15th ofAv, 5574): Tu B’Av celebrated for the last time during the War of 1812.

1819: Birthdate ofAmerican novelist Herman Melville who was the special subject of study of ViolaSachs who “conducted research and studies for the decoding of Melville’s masterworks” and who survived the Holocaust by living in Brazil along with her husband,economist Ignacy Sachs

1820: Hannah Joel, awidow who had died at “Jews Hospital” was buried today at the Brady JewishCemetery.

1822(14th ofAv, 5582): Westphalia native Joseph Cohen, the Revolutionary War veteran, theshochet for Congregation Shearith Israel in New York City and Beth Elohim inCharleston, SC who was a clerk for the Gratz brothers who was the husband ofRose Barnet and Hannah Moses passed away today in London.

1827(8th ofAv, 5587): Erev Tish’a B’Av observed for the last time while George Canning wasPrime Minister of Great Britain.

1830: Today Isaac andHannah Solomon were married at the Western Synagogue.

1833: On a secondreading a bill designed to free Jews from all civil disabilities which wouldopen the world of politics to them, was defeated.

1841: Birthdate of Dr.Isidor Cohnstein the native of Gnesenand gynecologist who married IdaCohnstein.

1842: Birthdate ofHungarian journalist Albert Farkas “who advocated a peaceable of adjustment ofthe religious differences among Hungarian Jews.”

1844: Birthdate of Quedlinburg,Germany native and university of Berlin, Zuch and Bonn trained medical doctor GustaveAlbert Schwalbe, the anthropologist and anatomist who “considered theNeanderthal to be a direct ancestor of modern humans” and whose study of theoptic nerve led to the identification of what are now called “Schwalbe’s spacesand “"Schwalbe's line", an anatomical line located on the posteriorsurface of the eye's cornea.”

1844: Birthdate ofAaron E. Greenewald, the husband of Sallie Gimbel Greenewald.

1846(9th ofAv, 5606): Erev Tish’B’av; Parashat Devarim

1846: Max-ThéodoreCerfberr, a colonel in the French Army and president of the Consistoire CentralIsraelite de France “was reelected to the Chamber of Deputies today.

1849: In Hlinik,Hungary, Moritz Hecht and his wife gave birth to Rabbi Sigmund Hecht, who in1868 came to the United States where he earned a Doctorate of Divinity from theUniversity of Alabama and served as rabbi at Temple Beth Or in Montgomery, AL,Congregation Emanu-El in Milwaukee, WI and Congregation B’nai B’rith in LosAngeles, CA.

1852: In Brighton, Dr.Loewe, the Oriental Linguist to the Duke of Sussex and first Principal of Jews’College London and his wife gave birth to James H. Loewe, the “manager of theEast-end branch of the International Bank of London, Ltd., founder and firstPresident of the Finsbury-park Synagogue and of the North London BethHamedrash.

1852: This afternoon,the new Jewish Synagogue in Eighth-street, between North First and NorthSecond-streets, was dedicated by appropriate ceremonies of the Jewish religion.There were Hebrew chant and lectures by Rabbi, Max Lilienthal, Rabbi Samuel M.Isaacs and Rabbi Morris Raphall. Dr. Barnard officiated as Rabbi to thecongregation. The Synagogue is to be known as the "House of Israel."There were many Gentiles present to view the ceremonies.

1853: Birthdate ofLithuanian Rabbi Icik Benkowitz the Orthodox rabbi who served as Rabbi for twocongregations in Chelsea, MA and who wasbelieved “the nation’s oldest spiritual leader when he passed away in 1963.”

1854: In Krakau,Austria, Herman and Rebeca (Cypress) Guttman gave birth to Dr. Adolph Guttman,the husband of Marilla Goldstein who played a formative role in the creation ofthe liturgy and religious practices of Temple Concord in Syracuse, NY and who servedas the chaplain at the Auburn (NY) prison for 35 years.

1855: Castle Gardenopened as the immigrant process center in New York.

1856: LauritzWeidemann, one of the framers of Norway’s constitution whose opposition toJewish citizenship was expressed somewhat incoherently when he wrote “"TheJewish nation's history proves, that this people always has been rebellious anddeceitful, and their religious teachings, the hope of again arising as anation, so often they have acquired some remarkable fortune, led them tointrigues and to create a state within a state. It is of vital importance tothe security of the state that an absolute exception be made about them"passed away today.

1858: In New Orleans,Bernard and Sophia Bernstein Kowalski gave birth to Zachary Kowalski who wouldpassed away before his third birthday.

1859: The Report of Sir Moses Montefiore tothe London Committee of Deputies of the British Jews on the subject of hismission to Rome in the Mortara Case was published today. While Sir Moses wasthankful for those who assisted in him arranging meeting with Vaticanofficials, the Church refused to acknowledge any error in the case. The conversion stands and the Jewish childstolen from his parents will be raised as a Catholic.

1859:An editorial in the New York Times,expresses disappointment at Rome’s refusal to yield on the issues in the“Mortara Case” while expressing relief “that such an enormity as the abductionof the Mortara child cannot be repeated even by Rome.” The Times also points out the horribleconditions under which the Jews of Austria, a patron and protector of the Pope,are living. “The case of the Israelites…bad as it is in Rome, is still worse inAustria.” Jews are restricted in thevocations they may pursue and are banned from “many of the higher vocations oftrade.” They are limited in their rightto move to different parts of the empire and they need a special license ifthey want to leave the country altogether.In some parts of the empire, there is a limit on the number of Jewishmarriages “so that a young man must await the death of his parent before he canenter the state of matrimony. This hideous and demoralizing law is but one ofthe many horrors which Austrian persecution has designed for the Israelitesliving in Austria, and who are kept by the brutal system, in a state ofignorance which the condition of Jewish populations in free countries proves toabnormal with that portion of the human family.” [All of this will change witha stroke of a pen after Austria loses its war with Prussia and is forced toreorganize as the Austro-Hungarian Empire.]

1861: At the start ofthe Civil War, Joseph Benedict Greenhut “joined the 12th IllinoisInfantry and was muster in today.

1861: Birthdate of NewYork City native and former traveling salesman Seymour Caesar Heyman, thehusband of Rebecca Gerson and father of Stanley Heyman, who in 1897 moved toOklahoma City where he opened the Hub Clothing Store, became a civic leader and“an influential member of B’nai Israel Temple.”

1861(25th of Av, 5621):Twenty-seven-year-old Sarah A Moses, the Charleston, SC, born daughter ofAdeline and Levy I Moses passed away today.

1862: In an interludebetween the Siege of Corinth and the Second Battle of Corinth, Jacob C. Cohenof the 27th Ohio Infantry wrote to the Jewish Messenger to describewhat life was like as they bivouacked at Camp Clear Creek just outside of theMississippi town.

1862: The USS Canandaigua on which AdolphMarix served during 1871–1872 was commissioned today.

1864: Birthdate ofSouth Carolina Senator “Cotton Ed” Smith a supporter of the immigration quotasystem who wanted to exempt Jews from the quota system” because “their thrift,their economy and their love of learning” appealed to him. (As reported byHenry L. Feingold)

1864: Today, followingthe end of the Schleswig War, Prussia, under the leadership of Bismarck whor*lied on his banker Gerson Bleichröder for financial advice took possession ofthe duchies of Schleswig and Holstein.

1865(9th of Av, 5625):Tisha B'Av

1865: The New YorkTimes reported that “the Israelites in this city and throughout the worldsolemnized in sorrow and in sadness, in tears and in lamentation, in fastingand in prayer, the annual fast of Ab, founded on the destruction of the Temple,and the overthrow of the national government. Although nearly 2,300 years haveelapsed since the first Temple was destroyed, and eighteen centuries since theconstruction of the second Temple, both occurrences taking place on the sameday of the month, the fast is still continued from Monday evening to Tuesdaynight, in accordance with the Jewish ritual, and in consonance with Israelitishfeeling. The fast is inaugurated with reciting the lamentations of Jeremiah,and, after the morning service, several hours are employed in the synagogues inchanting in plaintive tones the compositions of the saints of antiquity, andimploring the God of Israel to remove the rod of chastisem*nt from Israel, andagain to resume the light of other days, by the reestablishment of their Templeand restoration of their government to its original splendor.”

1866: In Moscow,“Andrew and Elizabeth Malkiel” gave birth to NYU trained attorney, thesecretary of the Socialist Labor Party and husband of the former TheresaSerber, the socialist advocate for the rights of woman and workers.

1866: Maj. LouisAlexander Gratz and Elisabeth (Lizzie) Trigg Gratz gave birth to FrancesHenrietta Gratz who became Frances Henrietta Mann when she married HoraceAttlee Mann.

1867: Birthdate of Russianative Ida Solaway Sweedler, the wife of Samuel Sweedler, the mother of BrooklynLaw Schold graduate and founder of the Brooklyn Jewish Chronicle, Judge NathanSweedler and the mother-in-law of Ada Meyer Sweedler.

1867: In Russia, HermanGussow and his wife gave birth to Abraham Gussow, the founder of A. Gussow andCompany, on of “the largest manufacturers of women’s underwear in New York anda president of the Cotton Garment Association who was the husband of Emma Iserlson with whom he had five children– Pansy, Minnie, Anna, Isidore and Alfred.

1868: In Montgomery,Alabama, “Jacob and Bella (Mayer) Jonas gave birth to banker Nathan S. Jonas,the husband of Jennie Strauss who pre-deceased him.

1868: In Montgomery, ALBella Mayer and Jacob Jonas gave birth to Brooklyn educated philanthropistNathan Jonas the husband of Jennie Strauss who rose from traveling salesman, toinsurance agent to bank president.

1869: Birthdate ofMoishe Hillkowitz, the native of Riga, who gained famed as New York laborlawyer and Socialist political leader, Morris Hillquit.

1870: Birthdate of Kaunas,Lithuania native Rabbi TuviaGeffen who gained fame as “The Coca Cola Rabbi” while serving as the leader ofCongregation Shearith Israel in Atlanta, GA.

1870: A rumor swept New York today that the police had apprehended the murderof Benjamin Nathan – a plumber who with a lacerated face who was caught with astolen watch belonging to the deceased.

1870: “The Jews in Romania” published today reported that there were 176synagogues serving 400,000 Jews in Romania.

1870: Di Post, the first Yiddish periodical to appear in the UnitedStates was published for the first time today in New York City.

1870: In Lithuania, Gittel Helvich Shubert and David Hersh Shubert gavebirth Khana Sora Shubert, the sister of the famous theatrical Shubert brothers.

1870: Benjamin Nathan, the prominent Jewish New York businessman who wasmurdered in his own home, was buried today at the Jewish Cemetery, ShearithIsrael at Cypress Hill. His brother-in-law, Rabbi J.J. Lyons had officiated atfuneral that was held at the deceased’s resident.

1871:In Kovno, Lithuania, Chaim Hillel and Bessie (Siegel) Rosenberg gave birth toIsaiah Rosenberg, the University of Leipzig and University of Berne educatedauthor and editor known as Karol Vornberg who married Kamentzky in Newark, 1903 where pursuing a career that included serving on the editorial staff ofthe Forwards, writing for the Day and editing the Jewish Voice in Newark.

1873: It was reported today that the last person to see ten-year-oldJohn Henry Lance was “a Jew peddler in Williamsburg.”

1875: In London, Rebecca and Michaelis Hallensein gave birth to PercyHallenstein, the brother Emile and Henri Hallenstein who changed his named toHalsted, was the husband of Enid Miriam Gotthelf and passed away in NewZealand.

1875: “The Jews of Italy,” an article published today described theconditions of the Jews living in this newly reunited nation. It focused on the deplorable conditions ofmany of the Jews living in the old ghetto of Rome along the Tiber, the improvedcondition of Jews living outside of the capital and the annual ceremony at St.John the Lateran set aside to baptize any Jew who has converted during the past12 months. However, no Jew has participated in the ceremony in the last twentyyears, despite the best efforts of the Church.

1876: Colorado is admitted as the 38th U.S.state. The largest number of Jews beganarriving in Colorado as part of the gold rush activities in 1859. Jews helped supply the miners in many of thecamps that later became small towns throughout the state. Hyman and Fred Salomon, two Jewish brothersfrom Prussia, were leading members of the Denver community by the timestatehood was declared. In addition totheir business ventures, they helped organize the Colorado Pioneer Society, theDenver Public Library and the Denver B’nai Brit Lodge.

1876: In New York City,Joseph and Lena (Bernhardt) Kopetzky gave birth Columbia medical school trainedphysician and author Samuel Kopetzky, a professor in the department of otologyat the Manhattan Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital and member of the board ofgovernors of the American Jewish Physicians committee for the Establishment ofthe Medical Department at Hebrew University who, while serving as amedical officer with the 81stDivision was “cited for gallantry in action after the Meuse-Argonne Offensive”and who was the husband of Anah H. Dobb with whom he had two children – Yvonneand Karl.

1876(11th of Av, 5636):Lewis Wormser, the native of Stuttgart who moved to Ireland in 1821 where hebecame such a successful businessman and leader of the Jewish community that hewas waiting to begin serving as Lord Mayor of Dublin when he passed awaytoday. Had he lived, he would have beenthe first Jew to hold that position and honor that would fall to Robert Briscoeeighty years later.

1877: Three weeks before her 40th birthday, in theUK, Sarah Ellis, the daughter of Abraham Ellis, married fifty year old IsraelLevy.

1878: Birthdate ofAlfred W. Fleisher who would be buried in Mount Sinai Cemetery at Philadelphiawhen he passed away on Christmas Day, 1928.

1878: The Hebrew Orphan Asylum Society of the City of Brooklyn wasincorporated today under the leadership of President Ernst Nathan.

1879: Following theRusso-Turkish War, Czar Alexander II today awarded Joshua be Aaron Zeitlin “ amedal in recognition of his services” as “a contractor for the victoriousRussian Army

1879: As reported inthe Jewish Messenger, "...Abouttwenty, mostly young men, have formed themselves into a congregation under thename of 'Orach Chaim', Path of Life, their objective being to hold Divineservice every day, morning and evening, as well as on Sabbath and holidays onstrict orthodox principles, as it has been handed down to them by theirfathers."

1880: “A ChristianWoman Becomes a Jewess” published today described the conversion ceremony ofMrs. Morse that took place last month in Rochester, NY.

1881: No reason wasgiven today when it was reported that the excursion of Athletic Society ofYoung Men’s Hebrew Association of Harlem has been postponed until later thismonth.

1881: Birthdate of OttoToeplitz, the third generation German mathematician who would seek refuge inPalestine after the rise of the Nazis.

1881: Birthdate of Fritz Spira, the Viennese actor who playedAustrian Emperor Franz Josef in the 1926 film The Third Squadron but whose famedid not keep him from being arrested by the Nazis and dying ignominiously atthe Ruma Concentration Camp in 1943.

1882: Henry Robinsonmarried Mary Pillischer today at the Brighton Synagogue.

1882: “Hammerstein'sbest-known contribution to the cigar-making process was adding anair-suctioning component to cigar rollers for which he received Patent No.261,849 today for a method of using suction to hold wrappers of cigars andcigarettes in place on a table, enabling them to hold down tobacco leavesfirmly so the leaves could be cut more cleanly - before being wrapped aroundthe cigar or cigarette.”

1882: Birthdate of Jacob Benjamin Salutsky, the Russianimmigrant who gained fame as the J.B.S. Hardman a prominent socialist who serveas Education of Director of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers after having left theCommunist movement in apparent disgust.

1882: As the FreightHandler’s strike continued the Russian Jews had been replaced by Germans asworkers at Pier Number 39 of the Pennsylvania Railroad.

1883: Birthdate ofAmsterdam native Isidore Goudeket the “Dutch gymnast who competed in the 1908Summer Olympics” was murder at Sobibor in 1943.

1885(20th ofAv, 5645): Parashat Eikev

1885: John T. Robeson,the U.S. Consul-General in Beirut sent a telegram to the governor-general ofSyria protesting the order expelling Mordecai Yitzhak Lubowsky and hisbrother. The two Jews were Americancitizens and the diplomat pointed out that expelling them was a violation ofthe treaty between the Porte and the United States since it discriminated basedon religion.

1885: A well-attendedmemorial service in honor of the late Sir Moses Montefiore, who was buried onFriday in Ramsgate, England, was held today at the Montefiore Home for ChronicInvalids, on the corner of Eighty-fourth street and Avenue A in New York.

1885: Bavarian-bornIsaac Alsbacher and Rebecca Klein who settled in Cleveland gave birth to theirfifth child Jesse Alsbacher.

1887(11th of Av, 5647):Issac Margolis, the Russo-Polish rabbi who was a descendant of Yom Tov LippmanHeller of Prague who came to the UnitedStates in 1884 and assumed the leadership of Congregation Anshe-Kalvariya passed away in New York.

1887: Today, on his 18thbirthday, Morris HIllquist joined the Socialist Labor Party of America.

1887: Birthdate ofBelarus native and “Jewish labor leader” Reuben Guskin, who “escaped to theUnited States in 1904 after being sought by the Czarist police forparticipating in Jewish self-defense in Bobroisk,” where he became president ofthe United Hebrew Trade and served on “the management council of the Forward.”

1888: Birthdate ofRussian born Yiddish poet Nahum Yud, who wrote under the name NahumYersualimchik who came to the United States where he wrote for Yiddishpublications until his death in 1966.

1888: Birthdate of ReneMarx Dormoy, the friend of fellow socialist Leon Blum in whose government heserved as Minister of the Interior and defeated the attempt of the right-wingLa Cagoule to overthrow the Third Republic before WW II. Dormoy did not turn his back on Blum afterthe cowardly capitulation of the French and the rise of Vichy – a loyalty thatcost him his life.

1889: New York MayorHugh Grant received a letter today from Henry M. Leipziger, Director of theHebrew Technical Institute concerning an exhibit for the upcoming World’sFair.

1889: Nine-year-oldSamuel Ehrenstein and five year old Lazarus Ehrenstein were left with CoronerLevy in New York. A letter said thatthey were orphans and should be sent to a charitable institution for care

1890(15th ofAv, 5650): Tu B’AV

1890: “The BritishHouse of Commons” published today describe activities in Parliament includingUnder-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Sir James Fergusson’s reassurancethat he has no proof that the Russian government plans on enforcing any edictsaimed at reducing the rights of Russian Jews.

1890: “In the House ofLords…the Marquis of Salisbury…said he could not confirm reports…of anyanti-Jewish edicts by the Russian government.”

1890: In Jersey City,NJ, Hannah Pollock and Morris Eichmann gave birth to Columbia trained attorneyMeyer Eichmann, the husband of Mary J. Goldberg.

1890: New YorkCongressman Charles Baker asked the Committee on Foreign Affairs to consider “aresolution protesting ‘in the name of humanity, against such inhuman andbarbarous acts as the enforcement by Russia of the edict of 1882, against theJews, requesting the President to transmit, through our representatives inRussia, this protest to the Russian Government.”

1891: It was reportedtoday that U.S. government believes the fact that nothing has been heard fromDr. J.M. Crawford the United States Consul General in St. Petersburg “for along time past” is “convincing proof” that the Russian government is not contemplatingany action to enforce the edicts aimed at depriving the Jews of their rights.

1891: Simon Wolf andLewis Abraham of Washington, DC, representing the Union of American HebrewCongregations, wrote to the Secretary of the Treasury concerning theimmigration Russian Jews to the United States.

1891: Secretary ofTreasury Charles Foster wrote to Simon Wolf and Lewis Abraham assuring themthat the immigration laws would be enforced “efficiently” but “humanely.

1891: Birthdate of Eliyahu Lulu, who would gainfame as a member of the First Knesset under the name of Eliyahu Hacarmeli.

1891: “The Czar ChangesBankers” published today attributed the Russian government’s decision to moveits accounts from the London branch of the House of Rothschild to Messrs. C.J.Hambro & Son to that country’s “attitude toward the Jews.”

1892: Emma Goldman wasamong those attending the meeting of anarchists held tonight at 193 Bowery.

1892: At a meeting ofanarchist of Newark, NJ the speaker praised Alexander Berkman, who hadattempted to assassinate Henry Clay Frick during the Homestead Steel Strike, bysaying “I trust that in the near future we may all become Berkmanns.”

1892: In Chicago,“Ukrainian Jewish immigrants Annie P. (née Cohn) and Nicholas J. Pritzker” gavebirth to Harry Nicholas, partners in the firm of Pritzker and Pritzker alongwith his brothers Abram and Jack, the father of the former Elna Stone and fatherof Richard and Joanne Pritzker, whose family members created a real estateempire that included the Hyatt hotel chain.

1893: Birthdate ofRossien, Lithuania native Alexander Sachs who joined his brother Joseph in 1904in the United States where he was educated at CCNY, Columbia and Harvard andbecame an influential economist and banker best known for delivering the “Einstein–Szilárdletter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt” in October of 1939 which led to theManhattan Project and the birth of the Atomic/Nuclear Age.

1893(19th ofAv, 5653): Joseph Korman, “an educated Russian Jew” who came to the UnitedStates about a year ago and who had been “a successful merchant at one time”passed away today after being for six months leaving behind a destitute widowand four children.

1893: Today is thedeadline for all the Jews living in Lifland to sell their property and moveinto the Pale.

1893: It was reportedtoday that Archbishop Dionysius Latas, a prominent Greek prelate, said that ifthe subject comes up during his visit to Chicago he intends to express hisopposition to the persecution of the Jews.

1893: The body of 76-year-oldSolomon Heyman who passed away yesterday in Long Branch will be brought to NewYork City today for burial.

1894: “East Side RoofGardens” published today described the growth of these popular venues includingone that “the young men of the HebrewInstitute” have established at the building on East Broadway and Jefferson Street.From 9 in the morning until 8 in the evening mothers and their “babes in arms”can sit under the big awning on the roof in attempt to stay cool during thesummer heat.

1894: The trial ofJeremiah J. Levy a Jewish policeman who has been charged with bribery continuedtoday.

1895: Birthdate of BélaZsolt, the native of Komárom, Hungary who survived Bergen-Belsen, rode tofreedom on the “Kasztner Train” and wrote Nine Suitcases a Holocaustmemoir that would later be turned into a one act play.

(For more informationabout the Kasztner Train see

1895: “In The RealEstate Field” published today described the sale of a lot on the southeastcorner of Lexington Avenue and 77th Street by the Hebrew OrphanAsylum Society for $87,500.

1895: “The ClothingIndustry” published today attributed the success in New York of the“industry for manufacturing clothing” to“cheap labor.” This labor “has not beenmade cheap through any effort or design of the manufactures” but is the resultof vast number of Russian and Polish Jews who have “forced down the price” oflabor.

1896: It was reportedtoday that the Jewish Colonization Company will pay the expenses of 800 Jews toreturn to Russia from Argentina because they know nothing about farming and arenot able to work on the Hirsch colonies that have been established in thatcountry.

1896: Thirty year oldChaim Silberman, a Hebrew school teacher who arrived in the United States lastJanuary told the authorities about his harrowing trip to the United Statesduring which 6 of his fellow passengers died of suffocation in a case of “criminalneglect.”

1896: Colonel EugeneLevy and thirty –six year old Marie Melanie Simikins a former school teacherwho converted from Catholicism to Judaism were married today at the mayor’soffice.

1898 Birthdate ofRussian born American Conservative Rabbi, William S. Malev.

1898: A case involvingthat pits the Moses Montifiore Congregation of Hoboken against David Engler whoclaims to own the lot on which the synagogue sits and who is trying to forcethe congregation to move its building is scheduled to be hear in The ChanceryCourt in Jersey City, New Jersey today.

1898: The body 53 yearold Elias Jacobs who had passed away at his country home in Forest, PA wasbrought to New York City where his funeral will be held.

1898: Birthdate ofpublisher William Bernard “Bill” Ziff, Sr. the cofounder of Ziff Davis Inc andsupporter of the Revisionist or Jabotinsky Zionists who wrote The Rape ofPalestine, a book highly critical of the British Mandate.

1898(13th ofAv, 5658): Ephriam W. Sells, of Sells Brothers Circus, passed away today inColumbus OH.

1899: “The Jews inBabylon” by William Rainey Harpert was published in Volume 14 of The BiblicalWorld.

1899: Mordecai isscheduled to run in the Sixth Race at Brighton Beach. (No word as to Haman orEsther)

1900(6th of Av, 5660):Forty-eight year old “German physiologist” Immanuel Munk, the brother ofHermann Munk, passed away today in Berlin.

1900: Rabbi Simon IsaacFinkelstein, “the son of Judah Tsvi Finkelstein and Feyge Rive Finkelstein” andhis wife Hannah Basha Finkelstein gave birth to Herman N. Finkelstein

1901: Eighteen-year-oldMrs. Golda Lucas, the Bucharest widow ofEmanuel Lucas who died three months after their marriage was staying at the NewYork home of mother-in-law Sarah Lacs after taking part in a ceremony yesterdaythat relieved her husband’s brother of marrying her in a “levirate marriage”and allowed her to marry anybody she wanted to after her return to Romania.

1902: “Impassionedspeeches by Jewish orators of the east side and excited applause from a throngof Jewish listeners were heard tonight at the mass meeting held in Cooper Unionto protest against the conduct of the policemen and factory employees who participatedin rioting during the funeral procession that followed the hearse of ChiefRabbi Jacob Joseph.”

1903: Birthdate ofHelena Nordheim, one of five Jewish members of the Dutch ladies’ gymnasticsteam, which won the Olympic title in Amsterdam in 1928. Forty years later,Helena Kloot- Nordheim, her husband Abraham and her 10-year old daughterRebecca were gassed at Sobibor.

1904: Birthdate ofEdward Satz, a native of what was then Lwow, Poland, who gained fame as EliMintz who made the transition from the Yiddish Theatre to Broadway playing“Uncle David” in “Me and Molly” and was the brother of Ludwig Satz.

1905: In the UnitedKingdom, the Star published “JewishLiterary Societies” today.

1905(29th ofTammuz, 5665): Less than a month before his 47th birthday Leo AbramErrera a distinguished Belgian botanist who all wrote Les Juifs Russes:Extermination ou Emancipation?" passed away today in Brussels.

1906: It was reportedtoday that the names of Samson A. Lachman and Daniel P. Hays, thegreat-grandson of of Gershon Mendes Seixas and a grandson of Dr. MaduroPeixotto have been submitted to the Judiciary Nominators who are seeking toname a replacement for the recently deceased Michael H. Cardozo.

1907(21st ofAv, 5667): Sixty-one-year-old Russian born, American publisher HirschBernstein, who in 1870 came to the United States where “he started The Post,the first Judaeo-German or Yiddish periodical in America” passed away today.

1907: “To prove thatthe relations between Mme. Melba and himself were not strained, Jewish showmanOscar Hammerstein showed today a latter he had received within the last fewdays from the prima donna” which was written in a strain of good-natured raillery”

1908(4th ofAv, 5668): Parashat Devarim; Shabbat Chazon observed for the last time duringthe Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt, the Republican President who enjoyedconsiderable popularity among the Jewish voters in the United States.

1909: Thanks to “thekindness of Lee Shubert and comedian Lew Fields, a benefit for the Sanitariumfor Hebrew Children is scheduled to be held at the Arverne Pier Theatre.

1909: In Sycamore,Illinois, “Morris and Rose (Chosid) Gitlitz” gave birth to the character actorknown as Lou Gilbert, the product of Cleveland orphanage whose stage career began in 1925 and whosefilm credits including “Viva Zapata,” “Marathon Man” and “Raid on Entebbe.”

1909: Birthdate ofSarah Lawrence College professor, Maxwell David Geismar, the biographer of MarkTwain who “penned the introduction to Soul on Ice by Eldridge Cleaver and whohad two daughters – Katie and Elizabeth – with his wife the former Anne Rosenberg.

1910: Birthdate ofcomposer and arranger Walter Scharf, “the son of Yiddish theatre comic BessieZwerling” who worked with everybody from George Gershwin, to Rudy Valle, to AlJolson to Elvis Presley.

1911: Jews in Peoria,Illinois contribute one thousand dollars to Jews in Turkey suffering from theaftermath of major fires in that country.

1912(18th ofAv, 5672): Eighty-one-year-old Abraham Benjamin passed away today at St. Kilda,Melbourne.

1912: The Young Men’sHebrew Association of Camden, NJ was incorporated today.

1913: A day after shehad passed away, Jennie Leuria, the daughter of Bertha and Henry Leuria, wasburied today at the “Belfast Jewish Cemetery in Northern Ireland.”

1913: Birthdate ofmulti-talented composer Jerome Moross whose most famous works may be thememusic for the western television series “Wagon Train” and the big screenwestern “The Big Country.”

1913: In Buffalo, NY,“Berith Israel (Anshe Sfar) was “rededicated” today.

1914: Germany declaredwar on Russia in WW I. The Jews of German fought valiantly for the Kaiser indefense of the Fatherland. But the Iron Crosses they earned would not save themor their progeny from the "Austrian Corporal’s Final Solution." Accordingto Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers by Bryan Rigg, “About 10,000 volunteered forduty, and over 100,000 out of a total German-Jewish population of 550,000served during World War One. Some 78% saw front-line duty, 12,000 died inbattle, over 30,000 received decorations, and 19,000 were promoted.Approximately 2,000 Jews became military officers and 1,200 became medicalofficers.”

1914: The BritishAmbassador to France “was to have dined with at Edmond de RothschildBoulogne-sur Seine villa tonight but they have to dine in Paris instead because“all of his horses and automobiles have been appropriated” by the government aspart of the mobilization for war.

1914: In SaintPetersburg, Russia, Alexander Govorkovski and Ester Goverkovsky gave birth toElla Govorkovski who became Ella Drori when she married Amnon Drori.

1915: It was reportedtoday that with 25,000 Jews already serving in the military, the British WarOffice has made serious efforts “to meet all of their religious requirements”including wherever possible making arrangements for them “to return from the firingline for Passover and for the Feast of Weeks.”

1915: Polish-bornEnglish tailor Isaac Roman, who, as Victor Jeremy Jerome became a writer and aleader of the CPUSA arrived in New York today aboard the SS St. Louis.

1915: “The Jews weredriven out of Brest-Litovsk” today “by order of the Russian High Command.

1915: It was reportedtoday that the officers of the “New Synagogue” the recently formed “liberalJewish congregation” on New York’s West Side are Morris Rothschild, Chairman;Jerome Wile, Treasurer and J.L. Frankel, Secretary who will be supporting a professionalstaff consisting of Rabbi Ephraim Frisch and organist Clarence Adler.

1916: In talking to thepress today about the impact of Britain’s attempts to limit food suppliescoming into Germany, Filed Marshall Von Batocki, “Germany’s food dictator”noted that “Polish Jews…who largely subsisted on fish were suffering intenselyas a result of England’s economic pressure on neutrals particularly in thematter of dish exports to and through Germany.”

1917: In Manhattan,Martha Schallek and Joseph S. Wallenstein gave birth to Herbert JosephWallenstein, the Republic political leader who served as Assistant StateAttorney General for 20 years starting in 1959.

1917: Harvey B.Franklin, of Stockton, CA is scheduled to begin serving as the Rabbi of TempleSinai, Oakland, CA.

1917: Eighteen year oldLawrence Valenstein “borrowed $100 from his mother” and today “opened a tinyheadquarters” of which would become the Grey Advertising Agency, “one of thecountry[s leading advertising companies.”(As reported by Suzanne Daley)

1917: Based oninformation supplied by Ottis A. Glazebook, the U.S. Consul in Jerusalem wholeft that city for Switzerland after the U.S. entered the war on the side ofthe Allies, it was reported today that “there are now in Palestine 500Jewish-American citizens” all of whom had “been given permission to leave” butpreferred “to remain” where they were.

1918: Birthdate ofAbraham Brauner, the son of timber wholesaler in Łódź, Poland, who gained fameas movie producer Artur “Atze” Brauner, the husband of Theresa Albert with whomhe had four children and the kinsman of 49 people who died during the Shoah including12 murdered at Babi Yar.

1918: During World WarI, while serving in France a member of the Overseas Commission of the JewishWelfare Board, Dr. Hyman Gerson Enelow wrote from Beaune, France today “that there is work for everybody who wants tobe helpful, that the Jewish soldiers “are very happy to see me” because itmakes them “feel like they are not forgotten and that in addition to hisofficial duties, he has spent several hours at the hospital trying to help “ourdoctors and nurse who are terribly overworked” and providing comfort to thewounded, especially those close to death.

1918: Decree issued“securing the title of the Chestnut Street Cemetery” in Cincinnati, Ohio.

1918: AbrahamSchrameck, begin serving as Governor-General of Madagascar.

1918: JosephSchlossberg, General Secretary Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America andAbraham Epstein, President Workmen's Circle were among the leaders of a meetingof a Conference of Trade Unions, Branches of the Workmen's Circle, and otherProgressive Labor Organizations of Greater New York scheduled to be held beheld in Webster Hall, 119 East 11th Street, for the purpose of organizing theworkers into a permanent central body for aiding all persons prosecuted who arein need of help, and of arousing public opinion against the further suppressionof constitutional rights and liberties.The Conference will be held under the auspices of the Liberty DefenseUnion, and has been endorsed by the United Hebrews Trades and the NationalExecutive Committee of the Workmen's Circle.

1919: As The HungarianSoviet Republic came to an end, Bela Kun “fled as Romanian troops approachedBudapest.”

1919: When the fascistgovernment in Hungary limited the number of Jews in commerce, law, medicine,and banking it defined a Jew as “all those of the Jewish religion and also allwho became members of other confession after August 1, 1919. (Thiswas consistent with an attempt to deny that Jews became Christians when theyconverted and that, as the Nazis believed, Jews were Jews because of theirblood.

1919: “The Jewess ofToledo” “a silent historical drama film directed by Otto Kreisler an adaptationof the 1872 play The Jewess of Toledo by Franz Grillparzer which was based onthe relationship between Alfonso VIII of Castile and Rahel la Fermosa in 12thCentury Spain” was released in Austria today.

1919(5th of Av, 5679): Seventy-one-year-oldbusinessman, theater impresario and composer Oscar Hammerstein I, thegrandfather of lyricist Oscar Hammerstein II, passed away today.

1920: In New York,Joseph Seiden, “a motion picture pioneer, and a producer and director ofYiddish films” and his wife gave birth to Brooklyn College graduate and “highlyregard motion picture cameraman” Harold (Hal) Seiden the husband of JessicaGreenberg Seiden and the grandson of Frank Seiden, “one of the first Yiddishlanguage recording artists in the United States.”

1920: Birthdate ofIsraeli politician Michael Dekel, the native of Pinsk who fought with theSoviet and Polish armies during WW II before making Aliyah in 1949.

1920 The ZionistActions Committee decided “to entrust the Jewish National Fund with the duty ofcarrying out a plan for a Nordau Garden City in Palestine

1921(26th ofTammuz, 5681): Seventy-three-year-old “French economist and statistician AlfredNeymarck, the son of Mayes and Henritte Neymark, the husband of Jeanne Neymarckand “vice-president of the International Congress of Societies for Lawsuits andof the International Congress for Landed Property” passed away today.

1923: In Norfolk, VA,Ida Pomarlen, “a business manager for a labor union” and Joseph Pomarlen, “anewspaper distributor” gave birth to HunterCollege graduate and Columbian trained attorney Judith Pomarlen Vladeck, thehusband of fellow attorney Stephen Vladeck, the daughter-in-law of labor leaderBaruch Charney Valdeck, the mother of David C. Vladeck, the director of theBureau of Consumer Protection and the grandmother of University of Texas LawProfessor Stephan Isaiah Vladeck who as a partner in Vladeck, Waldman, Elias& Engelhard,“was known as a pioneer in representing individuals andclasses in sex, age and race discrimination litigation” and who was named one of "New York's 75 MostInfluential Women in Business" in Crain's New York Business in 1996 andone of The Best Lawyers in New York by New York Magazine in 1995.”

1922(7th ofAv, 5682): Sixty-three year old mechanical engineer Donát Bánki the son of aHungarian Jewish physician who helped to invent “the carburetor for thestationary engine.”

1923:Morris Weinberg, the publisher of The Day and Mrs. A.B. Spreckels and J.B.Barron, head of the commission appointed by the government of Palestine toadminister the affairs of the Patriarch of Jerusalem were among the passengerswho arrived in New York today about the White Star liner Majestic.

1924: InDąbrowica, Poland, Anna (Szapiro) and Maurice Charpak gave birth to GeorgesCharpak, the French physicist who won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1992.

1924:Birthdate of Michael Stuart Rubin who as Michael Stewart was one of stablewriters who got their start writing for Sid Caesar and who went on to becamethe Tony Award winning creator of “Bye Bye Birdies” and “Hello, Dolly!”

1925(11thof Av, 5685): Parashat Vaetchanan

1925: The (Turkish)Palestine Citizenship Ordinance went into effect. It said that any"Turkish subject" in Palestine as of August 1, 1925 shall become a Palestinian citizen, unless heopts for Turkish nationality, or nationality of another state.

1926: In Memphis, TN, the Memphis Eye, Ear, NoseThroat Hospital, which was founded Louis Levy, the Paducah, KY born son of Maxand Rozetta (Minsky) Levy and University of Tennessee Medical School graduate,opened today.

1926: At Constantinopleit was announced that the Jews of Turkey formally renounced their rights asminorities. They would for now on be considered full citizens with equal rightsas all citizens have.

1926(21st of Av, 5686):Israel Zangwill passed away. The Russian born, Anglo-Jewish author, Zionist andchampion of social justice is best known for two of his works - a novelentitled Children of the Ghetto: A Study of a Peculiar People a highlysuccessful play entitled The Melting Pot. Among those who saw and enjoyed this wasPresident Theodore Roosevelt.

1927: Birthdate ofGerman-American Ivy League (Princeton and Harvard) economist, Dr. OttoEckstein, the co-founder of Data Resources, Inc and the husband of HarriettMirkin Eckstein with whom he raised three children – Warren, Felecia and June.

1928(15th ofAv, 5688): Tu B’Av is celebrated for the last time during the Presidency ofCalvin Coolidge.

1928: It was reportedtoday that the Zionist General Council, while meeting in Berlin, dispatched “acable appealing to all faction of American Zionism to seek unity in the comingwork” which includes raising the almost three million dollars budget “for thecoming year’s work in Palestine.”

1928: Today New Yorklightweight Ruby Goldstein savored the victory won last night over Al Bryant ina ten-round bound at the Newark Velodrome.

1929(24th ofTammuz, 5689): Forty-six-year-old Troy, NY born, and Harvard educated attorneyJudge Abram Ellenbogen, who was serving on the bench of the Fifth DistrictMunicipal Court passed away today at Lake Placid, NY.

1929: In Manhattan, Evaand Stanley Garfinkel gave birth to Howard Morris Garfinkel who changed thenature of basketball with his recruiting service and instructional camps. (Asreported by Vincent M. Mallozzi)

1930: In Queens, “dressmaker” Abraham Frankel and his wife gave birth to University of Illinoisgraduate and garment manufacturer Jerry Frankel who went on to become a Tonywinning producer.

1930: In London,Galician Jewish immigrants Yetta (née Darumstundler) and Morris Begleiter, amaster tailor gave birth to composer Lionel Bart, the genius who created themusical “Oliver!”

1930(7th of Av, 5690): Forty-eight-year-oldJack Zuta, an accountant for mobsters in Chicago was shot by unknown gunmanwhile hiding out in Wisconsin.

1930: “The Cabinet ofDoctor Larifari,” a comedy with music by Franz Waxman and filmed bycinematographer Otto Heller was released today in German.

1930: “Grumpy” directedby George Cukor, co-starring Paul Lukas and filmed by cinematographer DavidAbel was released today in the United States.

1931: “Tabu” a silent film set in the South Seaswith music by Hugo Riesenfeld was released today in the Unites States.

1931: Birthdate of Elliott Charles Adnopoz, who becamefamous as Ramblin' Jack Elliott

1931: Eduard Strauch who would murder over 10,000 Jews from Riga in theRumbula Forest joined the Nazi Party and the SA.

1931: Thirty-three-year-oldMajor Edward M. Brauer, the WW I veteran and commander “the left wing of the96tth Aero Squardon who is the son of Jewish immigrants from Lithuania livingin Chicago and a member of Chicago’s Temple B’nai Zion is, as of today,eligible for retirement because he has 22,000 flying hours to his credit.

1932: Birthdate of MeirKahane, founder of the Jewish Defense League.

1933:The Deutsche Modeamt, a newly-formed Nazi fashion office, announces thatJewish firms will not be permitted to exhibit in the exhibition of men's andwomen's wear.

1933: Fritz Rosenfelder, leader and founder of the sports club at Saanstaat,Wurtenberg, commits suicide because he was expelled from the club; in a finalletter to his former club colleagues, he wrote: "I am leaving with nohatred. My only wish is that Germany should be restored to reason . . . Howmore beautifully could I have given my life for my Fatherland."

1933: The Commissariat for Medical Associations issues a decree prohibitingnon-Jewish physicians from having any professional contact with Jewishphysicians; non-Jewish medical men must not serve as consultants and must nottreat patients recommended to them by Jewish physicians.

1933: The Dutch Societyof Sculptors and Artists responds to an appeal on behalf of Jewish refugeesfrom Germany by donating many objects of art which will be used in a lotterysanctioned by the Government.

1934: It was reported todaythat “condensed and revised version the Jewish historical pageant,"Romance of a People," will be presented on the stage of the RoxyTheatre beginning Friday, Sept. 7.”

1935: In theBronx, “Joseph Weiss, an accountant and the former Jean Bystock” gave birth toMelvyn Irwin Weiss, the NYU trained attorney and the husband of “the formerBarbara Joan Kaplan” who was a leading class action attorney. (As reported bySam Roberts)

1936: The report of thePeel Commission was discussed today in Geneva, home of the League of Nations.Poland, Romania and other East European countries, debating the Peel Report onthe proposed partition of Palestine, demanded that Great Britain continue tofulfill her obligations under the Mandate. The Arab leadership argued that therights of the people of Palestine could not be contested and that any partitionscheme was contrary to Articles 20 and 31 of the Covenant of the League ofNations. In a contradiction of facts the Arabs did not deny the rights of theJewish minority in Palestine, and were even prepared to furnish guarantees inthis respect, but they unanimously opposed the country's partition and demandedimmediate, total independence. But part of the rights of the Jewish communityunder the terms of the Balfour Declaration and the Mandate was to a JewishHomeland, not citizenship in an Arab country. In South Africa General J.C.Smuts, vice premier and minister of justice, expressed his grave misgivingsabout the partition scheme in general, and the smallness of the proposed Jewishstate in particular. A total rejection of the partition was also the subject ofletters written by Colonel J.C. Wedgwood, MP (Member of Parliament), andaddressed to the British and world press.

1936: Following thearrival of Rabbi Stephen S. Wise in Geneva, the organizations committee of “TheWorld Jewish Congress” which is opening in Geneva on August 8 announced todaythat it “will devote one special session to the present situation in Palestine”

1936: In Detroit,“Prosecutor Duncan C. McCrea said tonight that a chemist questioned about areported Black Legion typhoid epidemic plot” aimed at Jews living in the area“has declared a high ranking legion officer inquired also how to make handgrenades and how to kill people with poison gas and hypodermic needles.”

1936: Birthdate ofLeonard Steinberg, Baron Steinberg of Belfast, founder of Stanley Leisure Ltdand found and first President of the Northern Ireland Friends of Israel

1936: The Olympics openin Berlin.

1937: Karl-Otto Koch,who would have the strange misfortune of being executed by the SS formismanaging a concentration camp, today “was given command of the concentrationcamp at Buchenwald.”

1937: Among thepassengers on board the French line De Grasse which arrived in New York todaywas scholar and author Dr. Joachim Prinz and his wife who are scheduled to“tour American cities on behalf of the United Palestine appeal which is seekingto raise $4,500,000 for the settle of Jews from Poland, Silesia and Germany inPalestine.”

1938: At the RooseveltHotel in New Orleans which had been purchased by Seymour Weiss in 1934, “theMain Bar” later known as the Sazerac Bar, opened with its famous “mahogany bar,walnut paneled walls and Paul Ninas murals.”

1938(4th ofAv, 5698): Eighty-two-year-old of New York native Albert Arnstein, the graduateof Packards Business College and the holder of an LL.B from St. LawrenceUniversity who settled in St. Louis where he was President of the United Jewishand Charitable Associations passed away today.

1938: In Austria, on“rent day” another of the Nuremberg Laws went into effect under “which it issufficient for a single ‘Aryan’ in a block of flats to object to Jewish tenantsfor the Jews to receive notices” ordering them to vacate the premises – a movewhich is expected to lead to Jews being able to only live in flats where all ofthe other residents of the building are Jewish.

1938: “Virtually allJewish-owned cafes on Vienna’s famous Ring Boulevard were ordered today toclose their doors” while all other cafes were ordered to post signs saying“Jews Not Wanted.”

1939: In Prague, “a force of Germans in Stroopers’brown shirts and top boot entered the popular Manes swimming pool this afterand ordered all Jews to leave” but “Jews entered the pool after the Germans’departure.”

1940: In Tel Aviv,journalist Theodor Loevy and his wife Elisa gave birth to television directorand writer Ram Loevy.

1940: Antonio Origo andIris Cutting Origo an Anglo-Irish writer who helped to save Jewish childrenthrough the kindertransport including the painter Frank Helmut Auerbach gavebirth to their second child, and first daughter, Donata.

1940: The Nazis beginthe expulsion of the Jewish population from Cracow, Poland. One-third would besent to Warsaw and other Polish towns.1942: The first "reliablereport" of the Nazi plan to murder all the Jews reached the West. The U.S.State Department suppressed the report for several weeks, until Jews living inthe United States heard about the report from other sources.

1941: Heydrich informedHimmler, “that in the future there will be no more Jews in the annexed EasternTerritories." Every day in every village and town, Jews would be hunteddown, molested, tortured, and executed.

1941(8th of Av, 5701):Another 1,000 Jews were shot in the city of Kishenev.

1941: The Nazisestablished The Bialystok Ghetto.

1942: In Danbury, CT,Annette and Lazarus Heyman gave birth to Abigail Heyman “a photographer whosestark portraits of women at work, at home and at weddings gave a visualconcreteness to feminist doctrine of the 1970s about the oppressiveness oftraditional female roles.” (As reported by Paul Vitello)

1942 (18th of Av, 5702)Rabbi Shlomo Chanoch Rabinowicz, last Rebbe of the Radomsk dynasty, educator, adirector of the Kesser Torah organization, member of the religious council inthe Warsaw ghetto was murdered with his family in the Warsaw ghetto

1942: BenjaminSagalowitz, press secretary of the Swiss Federation of Jewish Communitiesphoned Gerhard Riegner with information from an unimpeachable source, anon-Jewish German industrialist, that Hitler had decided to have all EuropeanJews exterminated by means of poison gas by the end of the year.

1943: In Poland thefinal liquidation of the Bendzin Ghetto began today as the first batch of whatwould total 8,000 prisoners were deported today.

1943: When the Nazisbegan their final liquidation of Bendzin Ghetto they are met with unexpected“armed resistance in several bunkers” led by young Jews that “hampered” theGermans forcing them to spend two weeks on this latest venture in murderouscruelty.

1943: Rabbi LouisWerfel, a graduate of Yeshiva College and RIETS “was sent to North Africa,where he served as Chaplain with the 12th Air Force Service Command, where hisarea of operations included Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Sicily.

1943(29th ofTammuz, 5703): Twenty year old Lydia Litvyak a fighter pilot in the Soviet AirForce during World War II with twelve solo victories, four shared kills over atotal of 66 combat missions, over about two years of missions, who was thefirst female fighter pilot to shoot down an enemy plane, the first of twofemale fighter pilots who have earned the title of fighter ace, and the holderof the record for the greatest number of kills by a female fighter pilot wasshot down near Orel during the Battle of Kursk as she attacked a formation ofGerman planes today.

1943(29th ofTammuz, 5703): Sixty-eight-year-old Ismar Elbogen the German rabbi andhistorian who wrote Jewish Liturgy: A Comprehensive History which hasbeen updated many times since its first publication in 1913, passed away in NewYork City.

1944: Sixty-six-year-oldManuel L. Quezon, the President of the Commonwealth of the Philippines whowilling resettled Jews fleeing the killing grounds of Europe despite localopposition which was part of the theme of the movie “An Open Door” and forwhich he was posthumously honored by the Raoul Wallenberg Foundation passedaway today.

1944: In Budapest,“György Vajna, a merchant of Jewish descent (born Weidmann) and his wife, Kláragave birth to UCLA trained Americanmovie producer Andrew George Vajna

1944: Anne Frank writesthe last entry in her diary.

1944: Rose Valland, theFrench art historian and member of the Resistance “learned that the Germanswere planning to ship out a last five boxcars full of art” most of which hadbeen looted from French Jews and notified the Resistance “who prevented the trainfrom leaving Paris.

1944: Future NobelPrize winner François Jacob who fought with Free French 2nd ArmoredDivision “returned to a liberated Paris.”

1944: Fourteen monthsafter the Warsaw Ghetto, the Polish underground rises against the Nazis inWarsaw. Jewish fighters came of hiding to participate in the fight. However,those who could not come to the aide of the Jews in 1943 would now find outwhat it felt like. The Soviet Army waited outside the city and did not come totheir aid. Instead, they let the Nazis slaughter the Poles and then theyentered the city as liberating heroes.

1945(22ndof Av, 5705): Sixty-four-year-old Russian born, labor editor for The JewishMorning Journal, William Post. who in 1905 came to the United States wherehe was “a charter member and vice president of the Jewish Writers Union and anauthor who used the Nome de plume William Pohotsky as well as the husband of ofPauline Post and the father of Nathan Post, passed away today.

1945: Birthdate of Douglas Dean Osheroff, winner of theNobel Prize in Physics in 1996. Hisfather was Jewish, and his mother was Lithuanian.

1945: Former SenatorGuy M. Gillette of Iowa today announced his acceptance of the presidency of theAmerican League for a Free Palestine and the post of chief political adviser tothe Hebrew Committee of National Liberation.

Declaring that heconsiders the "so-called Jewish problem not as a Jewish or a Hebrewquestion, but as an urgent problem of the United Nations and of the decentportion of mankind," Gillette urged that the Allied Control Commission inEurope recognize the "Hebrew national status" and permit"stateless or Axis Jews" to decide their own status as Hebrewnationals, or stateless, or nationals of Germany, Rumania or Hungary. He alsorecommended:

1. Freeing of all Jewsfrom Axis concentration camps.

2. Extension of UNRRArelief operations to the Balkan countries where, he charged hundreds ofthousands of Jews in Rumania and Hungary, particularly, are starving and havenot yet received any UNRRA aid.

3. Addition of Jewishrepresentatives to the United Nations War Crimes Commission.

4. Consideration by theReparations Commission now meeting in Moscow of the "claims andrights" of surviving Jews, and inclusion of compensation for the losses ofthe Jewish people. Gillette said that every Jew in Europe should be authorized"to apply to the nearest British consulate and receive his first papers ofPalestinian citizenship." He also suggested the creation of anAnglo-American-Russian committee with adequate powers to effect the speediestrepatriation of all such applicants to Palestine. These steps, Gilletteasserted, are "essential for the commencement of a solution of the entireproblem." Annulment by the new British Government of "discriminatorylaws against Jews in Palestine" was likewise demanded by Gillette. (Asreported by Jewish Telegraph Agency)

1945: The final LittleBoy was assembled and so it would ready to be dropped on Japan.

1946(4th of Av, 5706):In Miskol, Hungry industrial workers stage a pogrom. Two Jews are lynched. Thisis an example of the post-war anti-Semitic violence that led approximately4,000 Jews to leave Hungary for Palestine during the next two years.

1946: In San JoseRodolpho Liberman and his wife gave birth to businessman Luis LibermanGinsburg, who became Second Vice President of his native Costa Rica.

1947(15th ofAv, 5707): Tu B’Av

1947: In the UnitedKingdom, the Daily Express reported the story about two British soldiers hungby the Irgun “prominently displaying a photograph of the bodies which, itpromised its readers, would be a “picture that will shock the world”

1948: IAF volunteerpilot Leo Nomi took a 25-minute truck ride to Netanya where he flew patrol in aD-114 with three other pilots including Ezer Weizman.

1948: “Syd Antin andRed Finkel flew a pair of S-199s on patrol today, out of Netanya.

1948: Birthdate of AviArad the native of Ramat Gan, son of Holocaust survivors from Poland andveteran of the Six Day War who “became the CEO of the company Toy Biz in the1990s, and soon afterward became the chief creative officer of MarvelEntertainment, a Marvel director, and the chairman, CEO, and founder of MarvelStudios.”

1948: Today, ThadéeDiffre a non-Jew who joined the Haganah in France sometime in the winter of1947/48, “was appointed major and given command of the nascent 75th Battalionwhich included about 50 French and North African Machal volunteers (mostlyWorld War II veterans) and half a dozen other non-Jews, and 300-400 NorthAfrican Gachal volunteers.

1948: Birthdate ofAline Goldsmith, Kominsky-Crumb, the Long Beach, NY native who “reshaped” theworld of comics.

1949: “Mr. Soft Touch”a crime movie directed by Henry Levin was released today in the United Statesby Columbia Pictures.

1949: Warner Brothersreleases a spoof about the movie industry – “It’s a Great Feeling” with ascreenplay by Jack Rose and Melville Shavelson based on a story by I.A.L.Diamond, a score by Jule Styne all of which were brought together by producerAlex Gottlieb.

1952: As part of amajor cost reduction program at MGM studios, today is scheduled to be the lastday of work for Richard Goldstone who has produced nine pictures for the studioover the last three years.

1952: In Manhattan, Dr.Judith P. Sulzberger and Dr. Matthew Rosenschien, Jr. gave birth to Daniel HaysCohen, the adopted son of Yale educated insurance broker Richard N. Cohen and“great-grandson of Adolph S. Ochs, the family patriarch who bought The Times in1896, and a first cousin of Arthur O. Sulzberger Jr., the company’s currentchairman and publisher, and of Michael Golden, the vice chairman. (As reportedby Sam Roberts)

1953: Birthdate ofBritish born Jewish historian Martin David Goodman who specialized in the Romanperiod and whose works included The Ruling Class of Judaea: The Origins ofthe Jewish Revolt Against Rome, A.D. 66-70

1954(2ndof Av, 5714): Seventy-three-year-old Dr. Harry E. Isaacs, “founder of theAmerican Jewish Physicians Committee, an affiliate of the American Friends ofthe Hebrew University and the former Chief of Surgery at Beth El Hospitalpassed away today.

1954: A group of tenraiders under the command of Meir Har-Zion returned from a raid conducted nearJenin where they “attacked two policemen and took one of them prisoner.”

1955: “The Kentuckian”co-starring Walter Matthau with music by Bernard Hermann was released in theUnited States today by United Artists.

1956: The Salk Vaccine,created by Dr. Jonas Salk, becomes available to the American public.

1956(24th ofAv, 5716): Seventy-one year old “Mrs. Lily Oppenheimer Pforzheimer, the wife ofinvestment banker Carl H. Pforzheimer,” “one of the original directors of theMetropolitan Opera Guild” and a board member of the Young Men’s and YoungWomen’s Hebrew Association passed away today.

1957: In Canada, theIsraeli Embassy announced that “Arthur Lourie, assistant director-general ofthe Israel Foreign Ministry…has been appointed Israel’s Ambassador to Canada.”(JTA)

1958(15th ofAv, 5718): Tu B’Av

1958: In Jerusalem,Michael and Shulamit Albeck gave birth to biochemist Amnon Albeck, the grandsonof Hanoch Albeck, a “professor of Talmud at the Hebrew University of Jerusalemwho was one of the founders of the scientific approach to the study of the Mishna.”

1959(26th ofTammuz, 5719): Parsashat Matot-Masei

1960: Today, SenatorJohn F. Kennedy, the Democratic Presidential nominee issued a statement “payingtribute to Philip B. Perlman, the former United States Solicitor General whodied last night” acknowledging his help in drafting “the national platform of”the recently concluded Democratic convention in which “as in everything in hislife, he gave unstintingly of his time and effort.”

1960: Ella Fitzgeraldbegan recording what would become an album of the songs of Harold Arlen knownas “Ella Fitzgerald Sings the Harold Arlen Songbook.”

1963(11th ofAv, 5723): Fifty-eight-year-old Brooklyn born, and Columbia trained attorneySamuel Klaus who held “the rank of brigadier general in the U.S. Army during WWII passed away today while serving as “special counsel to the StateDepartment.”

1963(11th ofAv, 5723): Sixty-six-year-old “Morton J. Baum” the Phi Beta Kappa graduate ofthe University of Pennsylvania and WW I U.S. Navy veteran who became “presidentof the Hickey-Freeman Men’s Clothing Company and the husband of Margaret Baumwith whom he had two children – Morton, Jr and Helen – died today aftersuffering a fatal heart attack.

1964(23rd ofAv, 5724): Parashat Eikev

1964(23rd ofAv, 5724): Seventy-six-year-old Rufus Learsi (Israel Goldberg) author ofHistory of the Jewish People and The Jews in America: A History who with hiswife had three children – David, Arthur and Judith – passed away today.

1965: At Temple B’rithKodesh, Rabbi Philip S. Bernstein officiated at the wedding of Mary Alice Ark,the daughter of Justice Jacob Ark of the State Supreme Court and Thomas EdwardGoldman, the son of Justice Harry D. Goldman of the Appellate Division.

1965: Birthdate ofEnglish stage and film director Sam Mendes whose father was from Trinidad andwhose mother was an English Jew.

1966(15th ofAv, 5726): Tu B’Av

1967(24th ofTammuz, 5727): Ninety-four-year-old Cincinnati born, Washington and Lee “dropout”Isaac Herbert Kempner, the husband of Henrietta Blum with who he had fivechildren – Harris, Isaac, Cecile, Lyda, Leonora and Herbert, Jr. – and the founderthe both American National Insurance Company and the Imperial Sugar Corporationwhose devotion to “good government” including serving as Mayor Galveston, positionlater held by his granddaughter Lyda Ann Thomas, passed away today after whichhe was interred in Galveston’s Hebrew Benevolent Society Cemetery.

1968: Funeralservices are scheduled to be held for seventy-three-year-old Dr. MortonGottschall, the husband of the former Frances Greenfeild and “dean emeritus ofCity College’s College of Liberal Arts and Science” who spent his entire careerat CCNY, followed by burial at Mt. Hope Cemetery.

1969: In ShakerHeights, Ohio, Nina (née Saul) and Norman Wain gavebirth to muti-talented David Benjamin Wain best known for directing “featurefilms.

1970: NobelPrize winner Otto Heinrich Warburg passed away.Warburg was part of the famed Warburg clan but he was not Jewish. His father, Emil, had converted toChristianity.

1970(28thof Tammuz, 5730): Parashat Matot-Maesei

1970(28thof Tammuz, 5730): Seventy-four-year-old University of Chicago and PurdueUniversity trained bacteriologist Dr.Moses Abraham Jacobs, the Portsmouth born son of Isaac Jacobson andRebecca Karp and veteran of WW I and WW II who was the husband of Lena Cohenpassed away today.

1970: Ensio P.H.Siilasvuo of Finland assumes the role of Chief of Staff United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO)

1971(10th of Av, 5731): Tish’a B’Av observed

1971: “The Omega Man” a sci-fi film directed by Boris Sagal was releasedin the United States today.

1971: CBS broadcast the first episode in the series “The Six Wives ofHenry VII” co-starring Wolfe Morris as the villainous “Thomas Cromwell.”

1973: Seventy-eight-year-old Solomon Blatt, the Blackville, SC born sonof Molly and Nathan Blatt and University of South Carolina trained attorneySolomon Blatt completed as service as Speaker of the House of Representatives,a position he had held since 1951,

1973: After opening on Broadway at the Uris Theatre in March, “Seesaw,” amusical with lyrics by Dorothy Fields, music by Cy Coleman and book re-writtenby Neil Simon transferred to the Mark Hellinger Theatre.

1975: The “Final Helsinki Act” was signed in Helsinki at the summit of 35nations of Europe, USA and Canada

1976:Natalia Grigoryevna Kushnir and theRussian volleyball team won a silver medal at the 1976 Olympics which closed atMontreal today.

1977(17th of Av, 5737): Seventy-seven-year-old psychiatristMark Lewis Gerstle, Jr. “the San Franciso born son of Hilda Alice Gerstle andMarcus ‘Mark’ Lewis Gerstle” and father of Martha, Kathryn and Mark Gerstlepassed away today in his hometown.

1979: “Melech Epstein Dead at 90” published today provided a briefaccount of the life of this former Communist and Jewish author.

1979:Alleged violations by Egypt of itspeace treaty with Israel were discussed here today by Defense Minister EzerWeizman and Egypt’s Defense Minister Kamal Hassan Ali who ended his three-dayvisit to Israel this afternoon. Read more:

1979: “Betweentoday and through most of 1985, few merchants were as lavishly praised as EdFinkelstein,” Isadore Barmash, a former retailing reporter for The New York Times, wrote in his 1989book, “Macy’s for Sale.”

1979:Following her graduation from rabbinical college in Philadelphia, Linda JoyHoltzman was appointed spiritual leader of the Conservative Beth Israelcongregation in Coatesville, Pennsylvania, making her the first female rabbi tohead a Jewish congregation in America.

1979(18thof Av, 5748): Seventy-eight-year-old Samuel Augie Ratner, the son Benjamin andRose Ratner and brother of Max and Louis Ratner passed away today after whichhe was buried at the United Hebrew Brotherhood Cemetery in Richfield, MN.

1980:“Jerusalem Storm Just One More in Tortured History” published today describedthe city’s history in light of the Knesset’s vote this week “affirmingJerusalem as a united city and the capital of Israel.”

1980:“Raise the Titanic,” an adventure film produced by Lew Grade's ITCEntertainment “and featuring Elya Baskin was released today.

1980: “TheFinal Countdown” a film that combines the attack on Pearl Harbor with sciencefiction starring Kirk Douglas and produced by his son Peter was released in theUnited States today.

1980: Egyptsaid today that it would not suspend the talks with Israel on autonomy for theoccupied areas nor would it recall its Ambassador from Israel in response tothe passage of an Israeli law formalizing the annexation of Jerusalem.

1980: Twodays after the Knesset passed the Jerusalem Law, an article entitled “JerusalemStorm Just One More in a Tortured History” which traced the history of the cityfrom ancient times to the period following the Six Days War was published. Thearticle includes the following: “During the war that followed Israel’sindependence in 1948, Jordan seized the eastern sector of Jerusalem…and the newstate won control of the western sector.The Jordanians evicted all Jews from the Old City; from 1948 to 1967 wasoff limits to Jews and most of the old synagogues there were destroyed.” (Editor’s note – The author, working for TheNew York Times, writes about an eastern sector and a western sector ofJerusalem as well as the Old City. Theterm “East Jerusalem and, its concept as a separate city, is apparently a morerecent creation.)

1981(1st ofAv, 5741): Rosh Chodesh Av

1981: Dr.Donald Payne, the husband of Jessica Savitch, passed away today in Washington,DC.

1981: Abu Daoud, aBlack September commander who openly claimed to have helped plan the Munichattack, was shot multiple times by a gunman in a Warsaw hotel cafe. Daoudsurvived the attack

1981(1st ofAv, 5741): PaddyChayefsky passed away. Born in 1923, Sydney "Paddy" Chayefsky beganwriting scripts for television during its golden age of drama in the 1950’s. Heswitched to films where he won three Oscar for writing "Marty","Hospital" and "Network." (As reported by Colin Campbell)

1985: Birthdate of BenjaminLevin, the son of David Robert Levin

1985(14thof Av, 5745): Eighty-five-year-old Polish native and WW I veteran HarryMittleman, the son of peddler, whose family, in 1911 came to the United Stateswhere he eventually settled in Portland, OR where he morphed from successfulgrocery store owner to real estate mogul while serving as an officer of the“the Jewish Old People’s Home and the Jewish Education Association passed awaytoday.

1985(14th ofAv, 5745): Ninety-two-year-old Jules Salvador Moch, the son of Captain GastonMoch and the grandson of Colonel Jules Moch who fought with the Free French atNormandy before becoming a political leader passed away in Cabris.

1986: “Howard The Duck”a sci-fi comedy co-produced by Gloria Katz who also wrote the script andfeaturing Liz Sagal as “Ronette” was released in the United States today.

1987(6th ofAv, 5747): Parashat Devarim and Shabbat Chazon

1987(6th ofAv, 5747): Harvey Clurman passed away today and was later buried at the NewMontefiore Cemetery in Suffolk County.

1988(19th ofElul, 5748): Sixty-seven-year-old Robert Tandler Mack, Jr. the Chicago born“son of Jeanette and Robert Tandler Mack,” the husband of Doris Mack, the“father of Robert Tandler Mack III” and author of Raising The World’sStandard of Living passed away today in Palo Alto, CA.

1989: Morton Abramowitzbegan serving as U.S. Ambassador to Turkey

1989(29th of Tammuz,5749): Fifty-nine year old Hungarian born Canadian director John Hirsch who hadsurvived the Holocaust passed away today.

1991: Israeli PrimeMinister Yitzhak Shamir accepted a formula for peace talks in the MiddleEast.

1991 Publication of JewishLife in Germany: Memoirs from Three Centuries, edited by Monika Richarz.

1992: In Montclair, NJ,“Stephen Rosenfield, a teacher of stand-up comedy and the founder of theAmerican Comedy Institute in New York City” and actress Katherine Mathilde"Kate" Redway Rosenfield, gave birth to musician and actor Benjamin“Ben” Rosenfield whose most notable role may be have been in the totally amoraldrama series “Boardwalk Empire.”

1992: Thirty-four-year-oldproducer Scott Rudin “signed a deal with Tri-Star Pictures.”

1993: Showtimebroadcast the first episode of Executive Producer Sydney Pollack’s “FallenAngels” produced by Steve Golin and with music by Elmer Berstein.

1996(16th ofAv, 5766): Eighty-eight year old Frank Glassman, the younger brother of MorrisGlassman and lineman who played at Wilmington and Bliss College before spendinga year in the NFL with the Buffalo Bisons passed away today.

1998(9th ofAv, 5758): Parashat Devarim; Shabbat Chazon; Erev Tish’a B’Av

1998(9th ofAv, 5758): Eighty-two-year-old New York City born Soviet spy Joel Barr who waspart of the same group that included the Rosenbergs, passed away today.

1998: Based on order bythe Assassination Records Review Board (AARB) today was the deadline fromtransferring the Zapruder film of JFK’s assassination from the NARA’s filmcollection to the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection.

1999: U.K. premiere of“A Price Above Rubies,” a film about Chasidic Jews directed and written by BoazYankin and co-starring Julianna Marguiles.

2000: Moshe Katsav wassworn in as President of Israel making him the first person to be elected to aseven year term and the first person from Likud to be elected President.

2000: “Space Cowboys” ageriatric, galactic buddy-movie co-produced by Andrew Lazar and with a score byLennie Niehaus was released n he United States today.

2000: James “Jim”Steinberg completed his service as Deputy National Security Advisor underPresident Clinton.

2001: RitaLevi-Montalcini “was appointed as Senator for Life by the President of Italy.

2002: Premiere of“Yossi & Jagger,” an “Israeli romantic drama film directed by Eytan Fox.

2002: The body ShaniLadani, 27, of Moshav Olash, shot and bound, was found west of Tulkarem, nearthe Green Line, in the industrial zone where he was employed.

2002: DaliaRabin-Pelossof, the daughter of Yitzhak Rabin, resigned as Deputy Minister ofDefense.

2003: Jill Abramson,the Washington bureau chief of the NewYork Times was one two people appointed today to serve as managing editorof the Times. She “will be managingeditor for news gathering.”

2004: The New York Times book section featuresa review of 'Jerome Robbins': From Stravinsky to theSharks by Nicholas Fox Weber.

2004: In Aspen, CO,Bernard Marcus, co-founder of Home Depot, Inc. is the headline speaker atUnited Jewish Communities (UJC) eighth annual Jewish Leadership Forum (JLF)

2004: Lexington, KYnative Jeffrey M. Lacker began serving as the President of the Federal ReserveBank of Richmond.

2004(14th of Av, 5764):Sidney Morgenbesser passed away at the age of 82 from complications of ALS.Morgenbesser was the Emeritus John Dewey Professor of Philosophy atColumbia. He attended JTS and earned a Ph.D. from Penn. He was known for his erudition and his wit. David Shatz of Yeshiva University recountedthe story of Morgenbesser chastising a faculty member for hiding hisJewishness: “Oh, I see your model is Icognito,ergo sum.”

2005 (25th of Tammuz,5765): George Forman, a longtime comptroller of the American Civil LibertiesUnion, who brought fiscal discipline to a ramshackle organization nearbankruptcy in the late 1970s and later helped it develop into a powerful civilliberties conglomerate, died today at the age of 88.(As reported by LilyKoppel)

2005: President GeorgeW Bush nominated Roland Arnall to become the U.S. ambassador to theNetherlands.

2005: A political essaywritten by Russian businessman and oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky in his prisoncell, titled "Left Turn", was published in Vedomosti, calling for aturn to more socially responsible state.

2005 (25th of Tammuz,5765): Al Aronowitz passed away at the age of77. He was a pioneering journalist whocovered the Beat literary scene and engineered a meeting between Bob Dylan andthe Beatles that has passed into rock 'n' roll legend.

2005 (25th of Tammuz,5765): George Forman, a longtime comptroller of the American Civil LibertiesUnion who brought fiscal discipline to a ramshackle organization nearbankruptcy in the late 1970's and later helped it develop into a powerful civilliberties conglomerate passed away today at the age of 88. "During the years of crisis he was moreresponsible than any other single person for keeping the program afloat,"said Ira Glazer, the executive director of the A.C.L.U. from 1978 to 2001. Heexplained how Mr. Forman juggled the bills and even earned interest on adeficit operational budget, and recalled visits from officials of Chemical Bankwho complained that although the organization was moving around millions ofdollars, its average balance was $3.79.,"He was the chewing gum and rubberbands that held the organization together and made the high intellectual andstrategic law possible," Mr. Glazer said. When Mr. Forman arrived at theA.C.L.U. in 1968, the organization had two lawyers, one part-time press personand no one in charge of administration and finances, fund-raising ordevelopment. By the time he retired in the late 1990's, the organization had a$50 million annual income, more than $100 million in assets and staffed officesin every state. Before joining the A.C.L.U., Mr. Forman was the comptroller ofthe Noma Corporation, a large, diversified holding company; he becameunemployed when Noma merged with a predecessor of Gulf and Western. DuringWorld War II, he was an Army officer stationed in Washington, where he fell inlove with a woman with whom he had his only daughter but felt he could notmarry because she was not Jewish. He graduated magna cum laude from New YorkUniversity in 1939 and earned a graduate degree in business administrationthere.

2006(7th ofAv, 5766): Sixty-two-year art historian Arlene Raven passed away today. (Asreported by Elaine Woo)

2006: A three-judgepanel of the Second Circuit Court of Appeals reversed Judge Sweet's decision,holding 2–1 that federal prosecutors could inspect the telephone records ofJudith Miller

2006(7th ofAv, 5766): Skirmishes with Hezbollah guerrillas in the southern Lebanesevillage of Ayta al-Shaab left three soldiers, including an officer, of aParatrooper Brigade unit dead and at least another 25 wounded. The names of thefallen have been released: St.-Sgt. Yehunatan Einhorn, 22, of Moshav Gimzo;First Sergeant Michael Levine, 21, of Jerusalem; and Lieutenant Ilan Gabbai,22, of Kiryat Tivon.

2006: A number of Jewish-owned stores in Italy had their doorssealed with glue and the shutters nailed down overnight as a response toIsrael’s policies in Lebanon

2006:Today, Peter “Gelb became the 16th General Manager of theMetropolitan Opera” following with he “launched…several new productions,including Madame Butterfly, The Barber of Seville, The First Emperor.”

2007: U.S.President George Bush imposed sanctions on Syria today because of the role theDamascus government has played in creating regional instability.

2007: U.S.Secretary of State Condi Rice arrives in Jerusalem.

2008: Solomon "Momy" Levy began servinghis term as Mayor of Gibraltar.

2008:Solomon Levy began serving as the Mayor of Gibraltar. 2008: In Falls Church VA(suburban Washington, D.C.), Jewish author Benjamin Rosenbaum reads from and discusses his new collectionof SF tales, The Ant King and OtherStories

2009: At Temple Judah, a Triple Header:

  1. Shabbat Nachamu
  2. Rabbi Todd Thalbum officially takes the pulpit at Temple Judah and reads the Torah portion at his first Cedar Rapids Shabbat Morning Service
  3. Raoul Wallenberg Sabbath Annual Observance of Raoul Wallenberg Memorial Day (August 4, 2009) which has been proclaimed by the Governor of Iowa for three years in a row.

2009(11th ofAv, 5769): A gunman shot dead two people and wounded at least thirteen othersin an attack at a central Tel Aviv gay and lesbian center tonight beforefleeing the scene.

2010: TheSkirball Cultural Center show "Monsters and Miracles: A Journey throughJewish Picture Books," is scheduled to come to a close today.

2010: JakeTapper completed his service as the interim anchor of ABC’s “This Week” – acareer disappointment that would help take him to CNN.

2010: ModernArt, Sacred Space: Motherwell, Ferber, and Gottlieb is scheduled to have itsfinal showing at the Jewish Museum,in New York.

2010:President Shimon Peres is scheduled to travel to Egypttoday for a meetingwith Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. The two are expected to meet behindclosed doors to discuss advancing diplomatic efforts between Israel and thePalestinian Authority. They are also expected to discuss cooperation betweenIsrael and Egypt.

2010:The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or ofspecial interest to Jewish readers including Telling Times: Writingand Living, 1954-2008 by Nadine Gordimer, Running Commentary: TheContentious Magazine That Transformed the Jewish Left Into the NeoconservativeRight by Benjamin Balint, Norman Podhoretz: A Biographyby Thomas L. Jeffers, High Financer: The Lives and Timeof Siegmund Warburg by Niall Ferguson and Red Hook Road by AyeletWaldman

2010: TheJewish Community Center in Omaha welcomed nearly 1,000 young Jewish athletesfor an Olympic-style competition that will run through August 6. This will be the third time in 19 years thatthe Maccabi Games have been held at the Jewish Community Center.

2010(21Av, 5770): Eighty-eight-year-old Reginald Levy, the airline captain whothwarted the hijacking of his Belgian airliner in 1972, passed away.(Asreported by Dennis Hevesi)

2010: “CuriousGeorge Saves the Day: The Art of Margret and H. A. Rey” is scheduled to beshown for the last time today at the Jewish Museum

2010:President Shimon Peres is scheduled to travel to Egypttoday for a meetingwith Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. The two are expected to meet behindclosed doors to discuss advancing diplomatic efforts between Israel and thePalestinian Authority. They are also expected to discuss cooperation betweenIsrael and Egypt.

2011:A screening of “Bobby Fischer Against the World,” Liz Garbus’s documentary thattakes us on Fischer’s journey from Jewish child prodigy to world chess masterto virulent anti-Semite, is scheduled to be shown at the San Francisco JewishFestival.

2011(1stday of Av, 5771): Rosh Chodesh Av

2011:Today, “just seven months after a gunman’s bullet nearly killed her, ArizonaRep. Gabrielle Giffords returned to the floor of the House of Representatives”to cast her firs vote. (JWA)

2011:Today “on the 5th anniversary ("yarzheit") of Michael Levin's deathaccording to the Gregorian calendar, a flag was flown over the US Capitol inhis memory at the request of a man from his local area, Johnson Reynolds, whoconsidered him both an Israeli and American hero. (A native Pennsylvanian,Levin had been killed in action while serving with a Paratroopers Brigadedduring the Second Lebanon War.)

2011:Today, for the first time, the IDF unveiled a special guided missile systemthat has been used successfully in action in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip. CalledTamuz, the missile is based on the Spike Long-Range Missile developed by Rafaeland is operated by Meitar, an elite unit which operates under the ArtilleryCorps. The missile was opened to foreign exports last year

2011:“Kmo Kulam” (Like Everyone Else) by Elisha Banai and the Forty Thieves wasreleased today.

2011: "Volunticipate," a weeklong encounter thatbrings together representatives of Jewish and Roma, or Gypsy, youth groups fromeight countries begins today in Hungary. The youth are gathering to discuss howto build partnerships, plan joint initiatives, and exchange experiences aboutminority identity and grass-roots civil activism.

2011: Leaders of the protest for affordable housing who metwith President Shimon Peres today found a champion for the cause. Speaking with the social movement'srepresentatives at Beit Hanassi, Peres told them that their protest waslegitimate and sincere, and that he would help them in every way possible tochange the national agenda.

2011: Haaretz’s board of directors has appointed AlufBenn as the paper’s editor in chief, effective today. Benn, a veterancorrespondent and commentator at Haaretz, replaces Dov Alfon, who has beeneditor in chief for the past three years and is leaving the paper to establisha new digital enterprise in cooperation with the Haaretz Group

2011: “Just seven months after a gunman’s bullet nearlykilled her, Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords returned to the floor of the Houseof Representatives to cast her vote in favor of a bill to raise the nation’sdebt ceiling.”

2011: A Kassam rocket was fired at southern Israel fromGaza tonight. A woman in her fifties was moderately injured by shrapnel fromthe rocket, which landed between in open territory in the Ashkelon CoastRegional Council.

2012: Ninety-two thousand Jews are scheduled to gather inNew Jersey’s MetLife Stadium for the 12th Siyum Hashas.

2012: US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta is scheduled toarrive in Israel today to gauge Israel’s determination to attack Iran and totry to persuade Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to give sanctions anddiplomacy more time. (As reported by Yaakov Katz)

2012: “Best of Tel Aviv,” celebrating the 40thanniversary of the Tel Aviv University film school, is scheduled to be shown atthe San Francisco Jewish Film Festival.

2012: Rabbi Alfredo Borodowski is scheduled to beginteaching “Simply Mordecai M. Kaplan: From Heretic to Prophet of AmericanJudaism” at the Skirball Center.

2012: Yemen Blues, a group organized by Ravid Kahalaniand Omer Avital, is scheduled to perform at Lincoln Center’s Damrosch Park.

2012:In Houston, TX, brit milhah for Joseph Levy (Yosef Label) Strauss, son of Abbieand Feivel Strauss.

2012:Barbara Berger, whose brother, David, was on the Israeli wrestling team in1972, wrote in Haaretz today that families of the 11 victims of a Palestinianterrorist attack at the Munich Olympics would continue to advocate for a formalmoment of silence at the Olympics, despite the refusal of the InternationalOlympics Committee to allow such a moment this year, the massacre’s 40thanniversary. (As reported by JTA and The Times of Israel)

2012:In some respects, today was a historic turning point for Israel — the day onwhich ultra-Orthodox Israelis became officially subject to the draft along withthe rest of the country’s Jewish citizens.

2012: Yakov Toumarkin today became only the second Israeliswimmer to reach the final of an Olympic event by finishing fifth in thesemifinal of the men's 200m backstroke event. He also equaled the Israelinational record that he had set earlier in the day in the heats – 1:57.33minutes. Later on today, Gal Nevo finished fourth in the semifinal of the men'sOlympics 200m individual medley. Unlike Toumarkin, however, Nevo's semifinaltime was not enough to reach a place in the finals, and he finished tenth overall.

2012(13th of Av, 5772): Eighty-five-year-oldNew York Times editor Gerald Gold passed away. (As reported by Douglas Martin)

2012(13th of Av, 5772): Seventy-four-year-oldEsther Kartiganer who played on the undefeated women’s Brandies Universitybasketball team and was a senior producer at “60 Minutes” passed away today.(As reported by Dennis Hevesi)

2013:“Soldier on the Roof,” a documentary about the Jews living in Hebron, isscheduled to be shown at the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival today.

2013:Tufts University graduate and University of Massachusetts trained nurse Alan D.Solomon completed his service as U.S. Ambassador to Spain.

2013:“Crossing Delancey” is scheduled to be shown this evening at the “Only In NewYork Summer Film Series.”

2013:A gag order was lifted today on an espionage indictment filed against a46-year-old Jerusalemite member of the anti-Zionist Neturei Karta Haredi Sectaccused of offering to serve as a spy for the Iranian regime. (As reported byHavi Rettig Gur)

2013:The 12th Annual March for Pride and Tolerance took place thisevening in Jerusalem

2013(25thof Av, 5773): Sixty-seven year old Igal Brightman the chairman and CEO of themajor local accounting firm of Deloitte Brightman Almagor Zohar died when hisplane crashed outside of Eilat.

2013:The Los Angeles Time featured a review of Hothouse: The Art of Survival andthe Survival of Art at America's Most Celebrated Publishing House, FarrarStraus & Giroux by Boris Kachka

2014:The jury is scheduled to announce the winners in the Sukkah Design contestsponsored by Oregon Jewish Museum at the Mittleman Jewish Community Center.

2014:A weeklong workshop “The Holocaust in Eastern Europe in theRecords of the International Tracing Service Digital Archive” at the USHMM isscheduled to come to an end.

2014: Based on announcement by U.N. Secretary General BanKi-moon and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry a 72-hour unconditionalcease-fire between Israel and Hamas is scheduled to begin at 8 a.m. local timetoday.

2014(5th of Av, 5774): Major Benaya Sarel, 26,from Kiryat Arba and St.-Sgt. Liel Gidoni, 20, from Jerusalem both serving withthe Givati Brigade were killed today after the cease fire had begun. At thesame time 2nd Lt. Hadar Goldin, 23, from Kfar Saba was kidnapped. On August2, Hadar was declared to have died in today’s attack as well. (In life theywere loved and admired. They were swifter than eagles, they were stronger thanlions.)

2014: Twenty-four-year-old Lt. Eitan Fund “rushed into atunnel to try and stop the kidnapping of Hadar Goldin who in fact had alreadybeen killed by the terrorist – an act of heroism for which he received theDistinguished Service Medal..

2014: Representative Eric Cantor, the Virginia Republicanwhose last day as House majority leader yesterday, said today that he wouldresign his seat effective Aug. 18 in hopes that his successor will be able toparticipate in the lame-duck session after the November elections. Mr. Cantor’sdeparture means that they are no Jewish Republicans serving in the House ofRepresentatives.

2014: At Temple Judah’s Friday night services, in CedarRapids, Iowa, Rabbi Todd Thalblum is scheduled to describe his trip to Israel.

2014: Following his defeat in his party’s primaryelection Eric Cantor gave up his position as House Majority leader.

2014:Michael Bloomberg’s fellowship, the Genesis Generation Challenge is scheduledto “go live” today.

2015(16thof Av, 5775): Parashat Vaetchanan and Shabbat Nachamu

2015:Today “opposition leader Isaac Herzog issued a call to action against Jewishterrorism, and demanded that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and DefenseMinister Moshe Ya’alon respond to such acts in the same way as Israel respondsto Islamist terrorism.”

2015:Lewis Black is scheduled to appear at the Main State Pier in Portland, ME.

2015:Benjamin Levin, son of David Levin, hits the big Three Oh!

2016:“In the wake of the stabbing attack at the Jerusalem Gay Pride Parade in whichsix people were injured by an ultra-Orthodox man,” “thousands of peopleattended a number of anti-violence, anti-hom*ophobia rallies across Israel” thisevening.

2016:“The Farewell Party” is scheduled to be shown at The Hampton Synagogue FilmSeries which is now in its 14th year.

2016:Dani Dayan is scheduled to take office today “Israel’s new consul general inNew York.” (As reported by Josef Federer)

2017(9thof Av, 5777): Tish’a B’Av;

(Editor’sNote: As we read Lamentations, we willlament giving control to modern day Herodians and Zealots?)

2017:As Jews commemorated “the Babylonian capture and conquest of the First Temple”“new finds in the City of David” that “confirm the biblical account” of theevent were being made public. (As reported by Amanda Borschel-Dan)

2017:The IDF is scheduled to “conduct a 24-hour exercise” that “will include a briskmovement of security and forces and vehicles” “in the vicinity of Nitzanacommunities and the area of the city of Eilat starting” today.

2017(9thof Av, 5777): Seventy-four-year-old Jeff Brotman, “a founder of Costco” and thehusband of “the former Susan Thrailkill” with whom he had two children, Justinand Amanda, passed away today.(As reported by Sam Roberts)

2017:Marvin Krislov is scheduled to begin serving as the eighth president of PaceUniversity in New York.

2017:In London, on Finchley Road, JW3 is scheduled to host a screening of the“Zookeeper’s Wife.”

2017:Friends and family of Benjamin Levin, the son of David Levin celebrate hisnatal day.

2018:In Atlanta, MGM is scheduled to host a free screening of “Operation Finale,” amovie “based on the 1960 covert mission of Mossad agent Peter Malkin as heinfiltrates Argentina and captures Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi officer whomasterminded the transportation logistics that brought millions of innocentJews to their deaths in concentration camps.”

2018:“The Ancient Law,” a film that tells the story of a rabbi’s son who gains fameas an actor in Vienna, is scheduled to be shown at the Jerusalem Film Festival.

2018:“Vienna Beef, Chicago's legendary manufacturer of hot dogs, sausage, and otherfood products,” founded by “Austrian-Hungarian immigrants Emil Reichl andSamuel Ladany” hosted a public celebration for the community today, in honor ofits 125th anniversary.

2018:Today Anna “Kaplan became the first candidate for New York State office to beendorsed by former President Barack Obama.

2018:“The WOW festival with super star Jason Derulo” is scheduled to place “atRishon Lezion

2019:The San Francisco Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host screenings of “TheAmazing Johnathan” and “The Humorist.”

2019:Friends and family of Benjamin Levin, the son of David Levin, are scheduled tocelebrate the start of the last full month of summer and his natal day.

2019:This evening the Center for Jewish History and the American Jewish HistoricalSociety are scheduled to host the “Ladies Mile Walking Tour with Ephemeral NewYork’s Esther Crain.”

2019:JW3 is scheduled to host the last two London screenings of “Marianne andLeonard: Words of Love.”

2019:As Israelis awoke this morning, they learned that terrorists had crossed intoIsrael from Gaza and wounded an IDF officer which led to a proportionateresponse from the IDF.

2020:Round 1 of the “Palywrights’ Center of S.F. Playoff’s” an online competition of10-minute plays performed as staged readings is scheduled to feature “Why GodMade Beggars,” a Jewish theme play by Steve Koppman.

2020:The FJMC Tri-Region Virtual Men’s Club Retreat offering Torah Study, musicalhavdalah and other programing is scheduled to begin this afternoon.

2020(11thof Av, 5780): Parashat Va-etchanan; Shabbat Nachamu

2021:The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or ofspecial interest to Jewish readers including Shape: The Hidden Geometry ofInformation, Biology, Strategy, Democracy and Everything Else by JordanEllenberg, Perversion of Justice: The Jeffrey Epstein Story by Julie K.Brown, An Ugly Truth: Inside Facebook’s Battle for Domination by SheeraFrenkel and Cecilia Kang, Ethel Rosenberg by Ann Seeba and Life onthe Line: Young Doctors Come of Age in a Pandemic by Emma Goldberg

2021:Closing night of the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival

2021:In “How to Read A Film, “East Bay Jewish film fest is scheduled to presentscreenwriter and film lecturer Galit Roichman deconstructing the 1999 rom-com“Notting Hill,” starring Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts.”

2021:Sharaka an Emirati/Israeli NGO formed after the signing of the Abraham Accordsis scheduled to present “The Abraham Accords and the New Middle East” at theIsraeli American Council office in Newton, MA.

2021:Bay Area Chabads are scheduled to present a “Ladies Night Out” social gatheringwith the cuisine and culture of Yemenite Jewry and a henna artist. IncludesYemenite buffet from caterer Ma’lawah Bar and wine.

2021:In Israel, the Maccabi health provider is schedule to begin administering “athird COVID-19 vaccine shot to the elderly” today.

2021:The Jewish Heritage Alliance, in collaboration with the American SephardiFederation and other co-hosting Partners, is scheduled to present In the“Beginning: From King Solomon to the Ends of the Earth,” the first in a threepart series on “Sefard: The Untold Story That Changed the World.”

2021:In the evening, ma’ariv minyan with recitation of Kaddish for the Yahrzeit DebLevin Z”L

2022:The San Francisco Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host screenings of “AndI Was There” and “10 Questions for Henry Ford.”

2022:Dayenu Circle of Jewish Silicon Valley is scheduled to host a discussion onclimate-related bills in the state legislature and how to support them

2022:After “oil prices in Israel rose dramatically in July, crossing the 8 NIS markfor the first time since 2012, oil prices are scheduled go down today in 1.5 NIS, fixing the new priceat 6.58 NIS per liter. (YNET)

2023:Lockdown University is scheduled to host a webinar during which Jeremy Rosenlectures on “Varieties of Jewish Belief from Fundamentalism to Atheism: Does itMatter?”

2023:In New Orleans, singles from JNOLA, YAS and Tribe are scheduled to mingle whileplaying bar games.

2023:The Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action is scheduled to present “YoungAdult Spark plus Reunion Trivia Night.”

2023:The San Francisco Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host a screening of“Nathan-ism,” a “documentary following the life of Jewish artist Nathan Hilu,who obsessively drew his experiences as an 18-year-old army private tasked withguarding high-level German war criminals at Nuremberg, preventing them fromcommitting suicide before their verdicts were announced.”

2024:Funeral services are scheduled to be held in Coralville, IA for Irene Palnick,the widow of Rabbi Elijah “Zeke” Palnick with whom she had two children, Lazarand Rachelle.

2024:The Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans is scheduled to hold its 2024Community Campaign Closing Reception.

2024:Fifteenth anniversary of Rabbi Todd Thalblum assuming the pulpit at TempleJudah in Cedar Rapids, IA

2024:JNOLA is scheduled to host “a women's centered discussion centered around afusion of the physical and spiritual realms of Judaism led by Mushka Cohen fromChabad New Orleans.”

2024:As August 1st begins in Israel, anunprecedented wave of anti-Semitism that has included Hamas supporters callingfor Zionist passengers on a New York subway to raise their hands, sweeps theUnited States and the Hamas held hostages begin day 300 in captivity. (Editor’s note: this situation is too fluidfor this blog to cover so we are just providing a snapshot as of the posting atmidnight Israeli time

This Day, August 1, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L (2024)


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